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Yukio followed the cat-masked man to the Hokage's office, Naruto still asleep on his back.

As they entered the office, Hiruzen looked up from his paperwork, a sombre expression on his face. "Yukio, thank you for coming. Please have a seat," the Hokage motioned to a chair.

Yukio took a seat, gently lowering Naruto onto the chair beside him. "What is it, Hokage-sama?"

Hiruzen sighed, his gaze shifting between Yukio, the sleeping Naruto, and Kakashi; who remained unknown to the ravenette. "Oh please, call me what you always did."

Yukio smiled, "Fine. Sarutobi-oji-chan."

Hiruzen looked satisfied and continued, "I've been discussing Naruto's situation with some others, and we have come to a decision. We believe that it would be in Naruto's best interest to live with you."

Yukio's eyes widened in surprise. "Live with me?"

Kakashi immediately butted in, "With all due respect Hokage-sama, I happen to oppose this arrangement."

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow, his brows furrowing in confusion. "And why is that, Kakashi?"

Yukio's eyes widened. Of course, he felt familiar, the man was THE Kakashi Hatake after all. Was his memories fading that fast? And did he just disagree with me?

Kakashi's mismatched eyes met Yukio's, a mix of indifference and perhaps even annoyance visible in them, "Because I believe Naruto would be better off staying with me." He paused. "I can provide a stable environment for him to grow up in. Not to mention, Yukio is younger than me."

Yukio felt a pang of frustration as he couldn't exactly refute Kakashi's claims. Before Yukio could respond, the Hokage cut him off, "I understand your concerns, Kakashi. But I think that you both are too young to look after a child." Hiruzen sighed and leaned back on his chair, his gaze lingering on the sleeping Naruto. 'I wonder how things would be different if you were still here. Minato... Kushina...'

"Yukio, however, is more... emotionally aware than you are Kakashi." Hiruzen stated, "But I do believe that Naruto's happiness should be the utmost priority in this decision. So, I have a proposal. Why don't you both, look after Naruto? This way, Naruto can have the best of both worlds."

Kakashi still didn't look all too satisfied but caved in anyway.

Yukio jumped in excitement before awkwardly laughing, realizing who he was still with.

Hiruzen smiled, "I have faith that you both will do a wonderful job."

Though it was obvious that Kakashi didn't exactly like Yukio, he still insisted on walking them home. Yukio wasn't bothered as he was still giddy at getting to permanently take care of Naruto.

Naruto peeked his eye open and sleepily asked, "Are we going home?"

"Yes. We are going home." Yukio softly replied.

Naruto relaxed. He hadn't been awake for most of the conversation but he did catch one thing. Yukio would be taking care of him from now on. That thought put a smile on his tired face.

Kakashi watched the interaction with a happy heart. He had never been allowed this close to his teacher's son.

Night had already set in as the three neared the tiny house, Kakashi found it strange as the lights were on. He looked over to Yukio as if questioning him. Yukio only nervously averted his eyes from Kakashi's strong eye contact.

Yukio opened the door only to be welcomed by the sight of Kurenai trying cringe pick up lines on Genma who seemed to be leading her on just to annoy the seething Asuma in the corner.

"Are you from Tennessee?" Kurenai paused, seductively biting her lip, "Cause you're the only ten I see."

Genma snorted in amusement. Yukio coughed interrupting whatever was going on. He knew he shouldn't have taught innocent Kurenai that one. Tennessee doesn't even exist here.

"Finally you're back. I'm hungry, make me something." Anko stuffed her face deeper into his couch.

"KAKASHI MY YOUTHFUL RIVAL! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE FRIENDS WITH YUKIO!" Guy exclaimed coming out from who knows where.

"We're not," Kakashi replied plainly.

"ooo harsh!" Kurenai commented prompting Anko to smack her.

Yukio's face fell at his response but immediately shushed them motioning to the sleeping Naruto on his back.

"I'll be in the kitchen raiding your fridge!" Anko whispered.

"Me too!" Kurenai joined in.

"And I'll make sure she doesn't get high off the sugar again!" Asuma whisper-yelled following the excited Kurenai.

Yukio almost jumped at Genma's sudden presence by his side.

Kakashi glared, "Are you not going with them too?"

"Nope." Genma grinned, popping the p.

It was obvious that they didn't like each other very much. So Yukio tried to sneak off while they were distracted; only to be pinned under their piercing gazes.

Yukio laughed humorlessly, "Guys, guys relax. I'm only putting Naruto to bed."

The two shot one last scowl at each other before looking away.

'I never knew they were so immature.' Yukio thought.

As Yukio carefully laid Naruto down in his bed, the young boy stirred slightly, mumbling incoherently in his sleep. Yukio couldn't help but smile at the sight of Naruto looking so peaceful.

Yukio's eyes fluttered closed and he quickly drifted off to sleep, only to miss the bed by a few inches and land with a thud on the floor.

The noise woke Naruto up slightly, and he groggily opened his eyes to see Yukio on the floor. He let out a small giggle, but quickly covered his mouth to not wake him up.

Genma, who had lingered at the doorway, couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. He stepped into the room and helped Yukio back onto the bed, making sure he was comfortable.

While Yukio shifted in his sleep, Genma tucked the blanket around him, a soft smile gracing his lips as he placed a gentle kiss on Yukio's cheek and gently swept strands of hair away from his face.

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