Whats going on...

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Author's Note:
Heyyy, sorry its been forever since i last updated but I havent really been in the writing mood lately.
Ps. I have been writing this story so far just to tell you what has been happening between all the characters so far. From this point on the view point will be of a young boy who goes to Nova (no name until the end).

The dance just ended. Sebastian had kissed Ashley, they were made
official.They make quite the couple, they where so cute doing the slow dance. Carlon was also cute, Carolina look quite nice.

Carla and Blake avoided each other all night. I know they have a thing for each other, Marlon told me about them. I can't tell anyone though, or I'll lose my life, thats what Marlon told me. I don't really care, It's not like I have anyone to tell. To everyone else I'm invisible, I like it. I get all the info and people dont seem to care or even notice me. If you think about it, it's actually quite suspicious, but whatever I don't really care.

Im grabing my backpack from the back wall, its so crowded and loud. I should have left early and avoided all these people. I started walking, and everything just went silent. What the hell is just happend. I see their mouths moving, but I can't hear them.

I dont care if I make a scene, now I'm yelling. "I CAN'T HEAR!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!". They're not even looking at me, everything is starting spin, I'm losing my balance.

I look out in front of me people are vanishing, one by one. Sebastian, gone. Ashley, gone. Everyone, one by one Carolina, Marlon, Carla, Blake, everybody, gone. I'm the only one at the dance now. Its just an empty room. I dont know whats going on.

I'm beginging to cry, I feel the burning sensation in my eyes, I'm trying to hold them back. I let it out. I fall to my knees, I'm crying hysterically. I close my eyes and rub them. I want this to be some sort of sick elaborate prank.

I open my eyes. White....all I see is white. I stand up. I turn around...nothing. There is nothing here, not a soul to be seen. I start to hear something. It was a beeping sound, it's getting louder and louder. It's too loud, I drop to my knees again I cover my ears. I'm starting too black out. The white is vanishing and fading into black. My eyes snap close and my body fell. I dont feel a thud, instead, I feel a soft cushion.

My eyes snap open. Everything is too bright and blurry. My eyes begin adjusting to the bright light. I see some figures, but I cant make out who they are. They are wearing lab coats I think. My vision is clearing up. My eyes are fully adjusted to the light now, and I can see everything pretty well. From what I can tell, I think they're doctors. They're writing down things onto a clip board.

I fix my eyes onto one of the people with a chipboard. It's a girl, she is tall and has long golden brown hair and emra. I finally figured out where the beeping sound came from, it was this machine that shows my heart rate. I realized I was in a hospital. I don't know how or when I got here, the last place I remember doing was getting my backpack from the wall. The girl with the golden brown hair took a quick glance at me, then reverted her attention back to the clipboard. I wanted to get out of here, but I was so weak I couldnt move, I couldnt even make a sound.

She stopped writing and slowely moved her head towards me. Her jaw dropped in shock. I dont know why. She slammed her clipboard on the counter next to my bed and ran a couple feet out in front of the door, while still keeping tabs on me. I just stared at her wondering what was going on. "DR.BRENNON!!!!" she yelled out, "THE PATIENT HAS AWOKEN FROM HIS COMA!!!".

My eyes went wide when those words came out her mouth. All of a sudden my the beeping got really loud and faster and faster. I don't know how but I suddently regained control of my body and I shot up from my bed.

I wanted out if this place. I was furious and terrified at the same time. I want to say something to get everyones attention, but all I managed to say, well, more like scream was "WHAT IS GOING ON!!!", and thats when I blacked out again.

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