Ch.4: Assassin

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Assassin, who was ordered by his Master to tail on Mordred and her Master, is following them behind the cover of buildings.

Looking at them from afar, Assassin follows them to know what they're going to do. He sees that they are walking the route to the School of the city.

Mordred and her Master keep walking on the street. They both stop for a few seconds and then Mordred turns into her astral form. Her Master walks toward an alleyway, disappearing from the view.

As Assassin was about to follow her, suddenly red lightning managed to hit Assassin, throwing him away from where he was standing. He crashed into the rooftop of a building.

As he was regaining his senses, he felt an ominous presence above him. Looking up, he met with the face of Mordred, looking at him. She was the one who shot up the red lightning toward Assassin.

"Heh, hello there."

'I need to—'

Mordred slashed at Assassin with her sword, leaving him with a big slash wound all across his chest, mortally wounding him.

Mordred was about to go back to her Master when other Assassins started appearing all over the rooftops. There are more than twenty Assassins in total, surrounding Mordred.

The Assassins all surround Mordred. They were all about to ambush her when she suddenly started releasing a thick red aura around her. The aura was strong enough to force the Assassins back.

"So, you want to fight huh?" Asked Mordred. The Assassins all readied their blades and charged toward Mordred. "Then, Come!"

She started to swing her blade at the Assassins. The Assassins all try to dodge her attacks, but the ones that get hit by the blade, end up dying.

Mordred swung her blade and decapitated one of the Assassins, the blood splashing all around her. Then another one was slashed vertically, cutting their head and body apart. Another was decapitated.

The Assassins try to surround her and attack her together, overwhelming her, but Mordred keeps swinging her blade. With her swordsmanship, she keeps decapitating them and cutting them into two.

The Assassins tried to get away from her and started throwing their daggers at Mordred. But she blocks all the attacks with her armor, the daggers bouncing off from her.

She charges toward them, using her mana burst to amplify her speed. Her speed is too fast, and she starts slaughtering them left and right. She swings her blade and cuts one of the Assassin's body in two while slicing the head off another Assassin. Another is cut apart.

Another Assassin tries to throw a dagger at her, but she slashes it in half. Then she charges towards him and stabs her sword through his head.

She throws the dead Assassin away from her. She keeps killing the Assassins, her sword becoming stained with blood.

In only just 17 seconds, Mordred managed to kill 9 Assassins, leaving only 11 assassins in her sight. She then charges at one of the assassins and slices his arm off. The Assassin screams in pain.

Then she kicks him to the ground and stabs her sword through his head. She turns to face the other Assassins, who are now retreating.


Anna watches the events unfold from afar, hiding in a safe place. Mordred was very savage, as expected of her. She's one of the fiercest and deadliest Knights. Anna smiles at her Servant's accomplishments.

Meanwhile, Mordred follows after the escaping Assassins, hunting them like a predator, moving rapidly from cover to cover.

She was still watching the scene when her vision suddenly showed her what would happen in the next few seconds.

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