Ch. 9: Monster

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Artoria and Irisviel stood on the riverbank, gazing at the enormous monster that emerged as a result of Caster's summoning. Suddenly, accompanied by the familiar sound of the thunder, Saber turned around and spotted Rider and his Master's approaching.

"Yo, King of Knights. Nice evening... or at least, that's what I wanted to say." Iskandar added, "But it seems like now isn't the time for polite greetings."

"King of Conquerors... You always act in this way. Did you come here just to crack pointless jokes?" Artoria responded, displeased and keeping her guard up.

"Come on, no need to be so tense. Tonight is the only truce we have. If that thing is left unchecked, I cannot relax while fighting. It's just an eyesore. I have already informed the other servants. Lancer has agreed, so he'll definitely join us soon."

Artoria realized that Mordred and her Master were not with Iskandar. Curiosity was piqued, and she inquired about their whereabouts. "Rider, Mordred is usually by your side. Where is she now?"

"Mordred and her Master went to the amusement park to have some fun. We parted ways with them, and they might be on their way here," Rider explained.

They quickly devised a plan to halt Caster and his vicious monsters before they could overrun the city. Sometime later, Mordred and her master arrive.

"Sorry, I'm late. I had some businesses to take care of. Now, what's the plan?"

Artoria attempted to meet Mordred's gaze but lacked courage to do so. Lancer intervened and explained the plan that they devised.

"Saber and Rider launched an initial attack on the monster. Meanwhile, I will wait for an opportunity when the monster is weakened and Caster becomes visible. That's when I'll use my Noble Phantasm, Gáe Dearg, to strike and destroy his Noble Phantasm, cutting off the monster's mana source."

Rider asked Saber and Mordred, "I have my chariot to transport me to the river, but how will you both approach the monster?"

"My body has been blessed by the Lady of the Lake. Water poses no hindrance to me, no matter how deep it may be," Saber reassured Rider.

"And what about you?" Rider turns his attention to Mordred.

"Yeah, well, I don't really have anything to walk on water. So, what should I do?" Mordred asks, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"Did you forget who I am, Mordred?" Anna interjected. "What if I create a small dome under your feet and arrange it so you can float on the water? That should make it easier for you."

"Wow! That sounds awesome! I'll need your help with that, Master!" Mordred exclaimed, enthusiasm replacing her previous uncertainty.

"It's not wrong for us to ask for your assistance. You're truly remarkable individuals," Rider praised them both.

"Indeed, but let's not forget that our main objective is to remove Caster from that monster," Saber reminded them all of their mission.

"Haha! Absolutely! Then, I'll take the lead!" Rider exclaimed with a hearty laugh. He spurred his chariot's oxen and raced through the sky, drawing thunderous applause. The King of Conquerors unleashed his Noble Phantasm, launching a direct attack on the colossal sea monster.

"Saber, Mordred, good luck!" Rider shouted and encouraged them. Nodding at Irisviel's call, the King of Knights leaped from the riverbank into the water once more.

Meanwhile, Mordred waved at Anna before jumping into the river. As her feet neared the surface of the water, Anna's Mana Dome appeared beneath her, cushioning her landing and allowing her to glide effortlessly over the water's surface.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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