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As Jake walked into the school, the whispers started, and everyone looked at him like he was some sort of monster...

His heartbeat raised, the more he walked further into the school, the bigger the crowd was. There was no space for him. Mentally. It's not like he fit in anywhere from the start. Everyone treated him as if he had no feelings. It's like: "These words won't hurt" "it's not like he would care" "he's way too confident to care about us" "a monster."



These words rung in his ears...

Manipulative, fake, bitch etc..

Monster hurt the most, he wasn't a monster, right?

He had regretted going to school. He was too confident to think he could make it through peacefully one day.

He walked and walked and walked, head down. Until he recognised a voice. Handsome voice... HANDSOME?! 

As he raised his head he saw... Drew. The way he looked at Jake, hurt. It's worse. It's getting worse. Everyone hates you. This was meant to happen in the first place. You should have never joined the music clubs. You should have never accepted being friends with Drew. You should have just not had a passion for music. You should have never come to school. You should have never been born. But all that happened and now this is your consequence...

What have you done? Why didn't you listen to your guts? All this is because you hadn't listened...

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