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The trumpets started. There it was! He won! I was thrilled for him! We could finnaly do what we had always wanted to do! We could kiss. We had been dreaming about it for years. Since we were young and naive. We felt that we needed to wait. Wait until the sparks turned int fireworks. Finally in my sixth year I felt it. He did too. We said we would wait until he won the Triwizard Tornament, that way it could be extra special. Goodbye Cho, and welcome Ava!

Suddenly the music stopped and I heard a strangled cry from Amos. "My boy! What happened to my boy?" Amos started to sob.

"He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry screamed.

Harry was clinging to a body. Please don't be him. Please. I'm begging you. I could see the face. Tears started streaming down my cheeks. "No. No. NOO!!" By then, I was sobbing. I started running down the bleachers, tripping countless times on the way down. As I reached the last row, arms that seemed to be anticipating my arival, reached out and grabbed me. I struggled, screamed, and kicked, but there was no avail. "CEDRIC!" I screamed, "NOOOOO!!!"

A sudden burst of adrenalyn made me crush his foot. I heard him call me back, but I just kept running until I reached Harry and the body. I leaned over and started clinging to him, like Harry was. I let out anothe heart-wrenching sob. "Wake up!" I started shaking him. "Wake up, you idiot! Your're scaring me!" I heard McGonagall start to sob as well. Once again arms reached out and pried me off of the body.


"Ava." The arms squeazed me to his cheast. "It's okay, sleep."

At those words, my body instantly obeyed. In the distance I heard a voice ask sharply, "'Where's Harry?'"

Dear ________,

Foreign. (A Harry Potter, Fred Weasley, or Cedric Diggory fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now