[ Chapt. 2 ]

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Jaemin was at the school early, he wanted to get some pictures of the football players before other students came in and create chaos, the male took a deep sigh as he made it toward the lockers room. "Do you need something?" A voice suddenly appeared behind the male making him jump from his spot, Jaemin turned his head to see who's the owner of the voice. "I uh came here to take pictures of the players if you don't mind, Jeno." He whispered, Jeno leaned closer to the younger as he showed a small smirk. "They're out on the field if you wanted to take pictures." He told the younger, Jaemin stepped a back a bit as a blush was evident on his cheeks. "Thanks for telling me, Jeno." He gulped as he turned around to make his way toward the field only for the older to grab his wrist and turn him around then tilted the younger's head up to look at him. "Let's go together."



Jaemin was taking pictures of the team while his attention was sometimes focused on someone in the bleachers that was probably with his best friend, he smiled before snapping a pic of the male. "Perfect." He mumbled before putting his focus back on the players only to be startled when Jeno was suddenly in front of him, he let out a small shriek as he put a hand on his chest. "You scared me, Jeno!" He told the older with a frown, Jeno nodded his head as he leaned his body on the gates. "Sorry about that bun, we're on break for a couple minutes so did you get any good pictures? I don't wanna waste my looks on bad pictures."

Jaemin's cheeks flushed red from the sudden nickname, he nodded his head mindlessly as he looked through his camera roll. "I think I got good pictures, I'm not a professional." He told the older as he showed his camera to the male, Jeno held the camera gently as he looked through the camera to see that the younger did get really good photos of the team, he gave Jaemin back his camera before flashing a smile. "You did good Jaem, how about we go get something to eat after you're done with classes? My treat."

The younger was skeptical of the offer but he didn't have anything else to do after school so he accepted it. "Okay but my classes don't end until 12pm." He told the older, Jeno nodded his head before looking back at his team to see they were going back to the field. "I'll pick you up then, see you later." He combed his fingers through the younger's hair before making his way back to the field leaving Jaemin shocked from the action. "That flirt.."

Jaemin continued to take pictures of the players and sometimes took pictures of the football captain just for fun, he was kinda excited to eat with Jeno since he heard from the players that Jeno has good taste in food. He felt a presence behind him so he turned around to see who it was only to let out a shriek again, the person waited for Jaemin to calm down before speaking. "Give me those pictures of the captain." The person demanded, Jaemin tilted his head in confusion as he held his camera tightly. "Do we know each other?"

The person shook his head as he stepped closer to Jaemin. "You don't understand, I need those pictures.. he's my boyfriend." The person told the younger male, Jaemin's jaw dropped before nodding his head. "Oh! I didn't know you was dating the team captain, do you want the pictures printed out or do you want me to send them to you..?" He asked the male. "Donghyuck, my name is Donghyuck but I wouldn't mind you printing them out for me, tell me when you're done printing them!" The tanned male went back to the bleachers where his best friend was at.

Donghyuck sat down with a smile while Renjun was writing down notes, the Chinese male looked up from his book. "Where did you go?" He asked, the tanned male shook his head as he went back to staring at Mark. "To the bathroom." He lied, Renjun hummed in response before going back to his book.

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