Careful what you Seek

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Very few words were spoken since the hunt. Only the sounds of silverware clinking against the china filled the dining hall, creating music for the morning light dancing through the curtains. Arus and Finore sat at one end as if communicating through their minds, and I found myself on the far end of the table. A lavish feast from the bounty of the hunt lay before us.

I felt the rage Arus was looking for bubbling on my skin, but neither of us was humble enough to acknowledge it. It was a miracle the staff of the manor hadn't said a word, but to be fair, not many had said a word to me before this disagreement. I was a stranger in their home, and I couldn't say that I blamed them. Who in this realm wasn't disappointed with my presence?

I pushed the food around my plate, taking small bites here and there. It had been a week of silence, and neither Finore nor Argus seemed that bothered by the fact that I didn't want to be in this kingdom, this realm, or a piece of this bargain. I bit into a piece of the braised rabbit, Why did Brerel come here? What did he expect, and why did he kill? He was a man with a stern hand, but it was always Simeon who drew the first blood. I forced down the bite of meat, chewing slowly as I felt the eyes of fire and lightning upon my skin. My heart raced like a deer in the clearing before the arrow is free. But I was anything, it was stubborn, and those of the Court of Energy would learn soon enough.

"You know, you're not a prisoner here." Arus's voice boomed down the stretch of the table as he stood, filling the space with his presence. Clearly there was more to him than meets the eye. Perhaps my strike had slowly worn him down, or was he finding his new prisoner too dull to keep him entertained? Either way, I didn't need a sword and brawn to win a fight.

My eyes slowly glanced up from my plate dragging down the expanse of the table, as his words broke the silent strike. Arus was an absolute beast of a man with eyes that pierced the skin. You could almost feel the fire beneath his skin - an echo of the high lords of old. I pursed my lips as he rose, "I thought I was clear in my terms. Show me Simeon and you will have your rage."

The man shook his head as he stepped around the table. His locks of fire and silver caught the rays of the morning sun. Finore followed suit as if this was a choreographed moment from the theatre, and I was a helpless actor in it all. "I don't want rage." He began, stopping halfway down the length of the table. "I want humanity." His hand reached out for me as he leaned casually against the table. All of that power, and the restraint to ask. "Now come along, I'll show you, Simeon.".

As swiftly as the moment began, both males turned on their heels. Were they taking me back? My questioning got the best of me, and soon we were heading down the hallway,

"Sir, don't you think this is a bad idea?" Finore piped up, hesitating as he placed his hand along my low back to usher me along. "The more people that know she's here, the more of a target we are." He continued, keeping his tone low as if to hide a secret.

"Finore, were you ever in love?" Arus questioned, dismissing his council's concerns with a flick of his hand.

A heat rose to my cheeks as we turned the corner, "I'm not-"

"You are" The imposing male spoke as he swung open a large wooden door. Dust clouds swirled in the rounded room, all pointing toward a large mirror. Finore ushered my into the room, holding a sleeve to his nose to block out the dust.

"Allergies." He quipped before quickly leaving the space, but his presence never went far.

Arus crossed towards the mirror, hesitating as he reached towards the silver trim of the frame. "This is the Tarvelia." He began, turning his back to the reflective surface. "It will show you your heart's desire."

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