Brewing Clouds

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Upon landing, a scorching heat filled my lungs. The cloud around us gave, way, dissipating through the foyer. Arus held tight to my waist as we landed, and I was truly in the hands of the enemy. I could only hope he couldn't sense the growing knot in my throat. His hands slowly loosened their hold, as nervous exhale slipped through my lips. Wherever we were, it was designed to create an impression. Thunder rolled through the valeted ceilings as they reached for the heavens, drawing my gaze down somber stone the hallway.

This was the Epinae we were taught about. The ones who held us in captivity, refusing to teach us their ways. These are the ones who fractured the powers of the high fae and feed the tree of souls. My heart raced, threatening to echo through the imposing structure of stone and wood. I felt petrified, terrified, and yet all I could do was freeze.

My brows dropped as a slender figure stepped into the hallway. His stride was hastened, a stack of books in his hand. "My liege." He spoke with formality, swiftly closing the gap down the hallway. His deep orange overcoat was a contrast to the black locks slicked against his darkened skin.

Arus was already starting down the hallway, turning his body towards this new figure, "Finore", the Elinae began, "why don't you show our new guest where she will be staying?". The male's tone was cold and calculating. The showman in the foyer had been stripped away, and it was replaced with - well - he never did turn back to me. What did his expression show that I didn't need to know? Was it that important? Either way, I would need to find a way out, and sooner rather than later.

Yet the spindling associate's gaze drew over my figure as if I was a package - a problem - delivered to him by Arus himself. "Ah, Queen Vespryn... we've been expecting you." His tone was condescending , but it was the closest thing to a greeting I was going to get. He was swift to turn, heading short of the large room at the end of the hall. My curiosity called me there, but that would have to wait.

We walked in silence down the hallway, turning from corridor to corridor. The man kept a hastened pace to his stride. Whenever he intended to speak to Arus about would have to wait. "Your room is here." He finally chipped, turning to gesture to a large door. "Despite the acts of your are to be our guest, and Lord Arus expects you at dinner." Without a word further, the man continued down the hall. He must have assumed I was capable enough to handle myself. Let's just hope I could find my way back for a meal.

The large wooden door swung open to reveal a quaint room. Stone walls contrasted the warm flooring as the grey curtains billowed against the passing storm. I stepped further into the chamber, drawing the curiosity of a young being. They stood about a foot shorter than the rest of the Elinae I had met. Their eyes were dark and unending, studying me just as I studied them. "Hello there," I spoke softly, a smile creeping across the other being's face.

They stepped across the room, the linens in their arms now visible. "It is nice to finally meet you Vespryn, I'm Lyne." The being continued, setting down the pile of clothing on the dresser near the door. Their eyes drifted towards the open window. "Arus assigned me to be your companion for your first few days here... just um.. just tell me what you need and I'll get right on it."

My brow furrowed, and the word choice was odd, to say the least. My head pounded as my heart threatened to jump out of my chest. Arus didn't state the terms of be being here, but exhaustion was taking over my figure. It had only been a week since I was crowned, and already, the weight of it was taking a tool. This being didn't appear to be any type of threat, other than smothering me in linens, and honestly, it was a relief to let my guard down. "Lynne?" I began, rubbing the back of my neck. "What are-"

She set the linens down beside me on the mattress, cracking a smile. My confusion must have been palpable."I'm a Dagrot." She interrupted. "We are...less powerful versions of the Elinae. But we are wonderful shapeshifters. I've served in Arus's court for most of my millennium. You may call me Lyne, but if I need to take a different form, please let me know." They were confident in themselves, and gave off an aura of warmth, something the others didn't seem to have.

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