A Blooming Fear

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The sound of steel and hooves filled the silence between us. It has been hours since we left, and not a word had left Arus or Finore's lips. There was something they weren't telling me - too much they weren't telling me.

Arus's eyes remained fixed out the window, alert to the outside world we traveled through. He cleared is voice to break the silence. "Did Lynne tell you about Celebration of Blooms?" He inquired, finally breaking the silence between us. As a trio, we could get along, but it would be helpful to have Lynne's chatter to pass the time.

Tell me anything? It was more of a warning "Only that a human hadn't been in 500 years."

Finore shifted, rolling his head in an annoying fashion to finally look towards Arus. Whatever had gone down between them earlier in the day must have subsided. "So you know you're a lamb being led to slaughter." His tone was cold, but it was the breathy chuckle at the end that froze my veins. "Let's hope they don't know you're related to Brerel.".

My heart sank, and took the energy of the carriage with it. There was more to this story with Brerel than they were willing to tell, but it would have to wait.

We lurched towards the font of the carriage as the sound of hooves began to slow. "We're here." Arus barked, the carriage finally coming to a halt.

The men piled out as if this was another day. Their coattails were swift to cross the threshold. Only a leather-gloved hand reached back into the carriage. "You are to be my prisoner, but that doesn't mean I can't treat you with dignity." His hand was a welcome embrace from the large step out of the transport. As I lifted my gaze, the Court of Earth was revealed.

Flowers of every shape and size lined the limestone walkway to the manor. The evening sun glistened against the building of marble, chrome, and greenery. We strolled down the path, going in and out of the shadows of the large trees above. We were a sight to see against the vibrant blooms and shrubbery. The burnt umber and grey hues of my gown contrasted against the light florals of the earthen court. There was to be no hiding here.

A creaking door was all it took for the eyes of the crowd to turn towards Arus. While the man had a presence, we both knew why they turned. He outstretched his arm to guide me into the room, keeping his gaze forwards. He leaned towards my ear as I passed, "Say a word, and they may have your head."

If my nerves weren't enough, his words provided little comfort to the lunch threatening to leave my stomach. My eyes shifted over the crowd, searching for someone I could connect to. The fear was palpable as I walked deeper into the hands of the enemy, a throne coming into focus. Yet for the first time, it wasn't my throne. It was his.

"Lord Arus" The voice chirped as the man stood, stepping down from the delicate throne. He wore a robe of silver and pastel. His hands reached towards Arus, revealing the rings carved from antler and wood. "I see you've brought a little pet for the celebrations." The slender man continued, shifting his eyes to my frame.

Out of fear, or out of habit, I lowered into a deep curtesy. My eyes fell to the polished floor tiles, swallowing the lump in my throat. This man seemed to be so cheery for Arus, and yet, I felt like a songbird in the grasp of a cat.

The man's slow exhale was enough of a release to tell me to rise to my feet. "You didn't mention that she had met royalty." The male cracked, his smile easing the tension in the pit of my stomach.

"She's here to hold off war, Orrian." Arus snapped, glancing to his left as Finore strode past with an all too joyful look on his face. His expression softened as the music from the ensemble grew louder with the sound of the crowd. "I'm off to make a decent impression. Keep yourself out of trouble." With that, Arus slipped into the crowd.

Orrian held out his arm, letting his gaze take in my gown of the Court of Energy. "How about I show you the delights of my court?" His tone was warm and sincere. I couldn't fathom why Arus was so worried when we walked in. I would be safe with the Lord of the Court.

It all went by in a haze as the day rolled into the night. I found myself surrounded by a group of ladies, all eyeing for their position in the court. Yet the power tactics would have to wait, as the gossip of a human was much more enjoyable.

"So tell me about the parties?"

"Do you also have connections to the Tree of Souls?"

"Tell me about the MEN. I know a woman such as yourself has to have her eye on someone"

Their questions were almost too much to bear. Yet womanly gossip brought a moment of normalcy to what has been a crazy few... how long has it been? I could hardly get a word in over the chattering ladies, "Our parties aren't too different from this. Although, we may have more wine." I quipped, lifting a silver chalice to my lips. While the humans may have more, the Epinae wine was something quite special.

My eyes scanned to the next lady, her eyes eager. The young woman appeared to have come of age just in time to join in the celebrations. Okay, next question: "Humans know of the Tree of Souls... but I don't have any powers like the Epinae, We just... exist?". I couldn't search for the way to put a human soul into words, it would have to do. My brain felt foggy as their words ran together. What did they ask about? The men?

The ladies giggled as they leaned in close. As always, the gossip of love and romance was a hot topic in any court. My throat grew dry at the thought of Simeon. What did I see in the mirror? Who was= "There is one man." I began, feeling a blush come to my cheeks. He was there when I needed him. He was a friend, a consort, and the only reason I wasn't hounded by suitors at most events. "He is the current leader of Sopren, the second to my throne. He -" I continued, raising a curious brow as the crowd began to collect around us. Clearly, the activities were shifting for the evening.

My head pounded, feeling the effects of the wine far too soon as Orrian came back into view.

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