Day 3: The Temporary Pass

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"WHAT!?" screamed Marshall. He was at the lookout and Ryder just commanded him to be sent to his doghouse forever. "BUT CHICKELETTA WAS STEA-" Marshall was cut off and a strong shove from Chase allowed Ryder to continue talking. "Marshall, a piece of meat is not worth Chickeletta being soaking wet, we are lucky the mayor did not press charges. Plus what you did was not right" said Ryder sternly. "Well, well, well, I know about you and Katie, Ryyyyyder!" mocked Marshall before a hand almost swiped at him. "YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU ARE GOING TO DO ALL OF OUR RESCUES FOR BEING A WISE GUY!" (Ryder). "Wise pup dummy" (Marshall). "ENOUGHHHHHHHHH" screamed Ryder as he picked up Marshall, bit his ear, then kicked him. Not literally, figuratively, metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, Ryder kicked Marshall, STRAIGHT UP-

"CRASH" Marshall was kicking and punching his belongings as he was angry, trying to figure out how to contradict (a fancy way of saying, getting revenge) on Ryder. He thought hard: "How can I pay Ryder back, let me think, think, THINK? AHA I GOT IT.... he's a white boy" Marshall thought before he evilly chuckled before going to bed.

 Marshall woke up early and painted Ryder with coffee powder before doing the unspeakable. He put gum in Katie's hair which he wrote a note saying it was from Ryder, spit in Ryder's food (to which he could tell which spit it was from as Rocky made a spit detector), and hit his legs with a sledgehammer. Finally, when ready went from white, to green, to red, he was chasing Marshall as it led them to city hall. Mayor Goodway was happy as she had mirrors everywhere which could always insure that people watched their language as they can see themselves. But then Marshall came in and tripped Goodway which caused her to knock out Ryder.

When he woke up, he lost it, and even though there were mirrors, he saw himself as brown. 

"He saying it..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" laughed Marshall as he grabbed a fan.

Ryder: NI-------------------------------

Ryder was in a jail cell and naked.

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