The Lovebirds of Azkaban

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It was a bright sunny day on the 9th of May, 1998.

However, within the Ministry of Magic, the atmosphere hugely contrasted the weather outside.

Two girls were currently being held in one of the Ministry's holding cells as they awaited their trial to take place. It was to take place at 11am exactly but for Carly Black-Potter and Luna Lovegood, it felt like an eternity.

Both Carly and Luna had served in Voldemort's army as he had promised both of them that he would legalize gay marriage if they joined him and, wanting to see their biggest wish come true, they accepted his offer.

And since then, they carried out countless murders including Dolores Umbridge, Cornelius Fudge and many others. During the Battle of Hogwarts, both girls did their part and served their master well. However, when the battle was lost for them, they decided the best thing to do was to leave the UK.

However, this did not last as Carly's half-brother, Harry had tracked both of them down. They tried hard to fight him off, but Luna soon realised that they stood no chance against him and she reluctantly lowered her wand in surrender. Carly went to protest, but Luna shook her head at her, telling her that there was no point in fighting.

So, Harry arrested both of them and brought them to the ministry of magic, where their current minster, Kingsley Shacklebolt, commended Harry for his service (causing Carly to roll her eyes) and ordered two Aurors to place the two girls in ministry holding cells.

"Merlin, I wish they'd hurry up already", Carly said, causing Luna to look up at her and come out of her thoughts.

"What do you mean?", Luna asked her.

"Well, I'm not saying I'm looking forward to what happens, whatever that might be, but I wish they'd just get it over with.", Carly answered, slumping against the wall of her cell.

"I know. I'm tired of waiting myself but I can't help but feel scared.", Luna told her.

Carly smiled sadly, walking over to Luna and placing a hand through the bars of her cell and onto Luna's cheek.

"Whatever the outcome, I promise I'll be right by your side, my Atlantis."

Luna smiled and kissed Carly's hand. "Thank you, my Star. But the outcome isn't what worries me."

"Than what is?"

Luna gulped before saying, "What if my dad's out there? When he found out that I joined the dark lord alongside you, he was heartbroken. I just know his heart will shatter if he's in that courtroom watching the trial."

"Well, that can't really be helped since Shacklebolt was bound to contact our 'guardians' about the trial been held today. I doubt that Andy will be there since she has to look after Teddy, but even if she was, I wouldn't care about her reaction. All I care about is spending whatever last few moments I have with you, whether that only be a few seconds or a whole day. You are all that matters to me right now, Luna, no one else.", Carly answered.

At that second, their cell doors were opened, and they reluctantly pulled apart even though they wished they could stay like that.

Harry had his wand pointed at both of them. Carly couldn't believe how much he had let himself go: whether it was the aftereffects of the war or the fact that who he thought was his best friend and sister were facing trial, she didn't know. But he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"The trial's starting soon.", he said, as he gazed at both of them.

"Well, isn't this the highlight of our day?! We finally get to leave this cell that we've been held in for the past week.", Carly said, a hint of venom in her voice as she glared at her half-brother.

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