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{how you meet; i had way too much fun with these.}

- you both went to a football game and were sitting next to each. (so strangers)
- during half time they broke out the kiss cam and you two were plastered on the screen.
- he introduced himself and offered his hand to shake, and placed a kiss on your hand.
- the two of you talked the rested of the game and exchanged numbers to stay in contact.
"maybe coming to this game was a good idea."

- you lived in the same apartment and were his neighbor, only speaking in passing.
- until one night when you were cooking dinner, or at least attempting to.
- the jar lid was too tight and you couldn't get it open, so you mustered up the courage to walk to your neighbor.
- you knocked on the door and explained the situation, he chuckled and opened the jar for you.
"here's my number, in case you need more jars opened."

- you both went to the same school, you hosted the campus radio.
- every day a jackass would call in and insult your music taste and request country music instead.
- overall, you had no idea who this person was, until you overheard a guy wearing a backwards hat say "seriously, you don't know how many times i've tried to get them to play that song!"
- you decided to confront him and sort things out, you guys came to a compromise and became friends.
"when i text you the cowboy emoji it means ply the damn song."

- karl, sapnap, and george all happened to go to a party that you also attended.
- karl lost nick and george after being at the party for two hours, and he was far from sober. he made his way to the kitchen only to find the most beautiful person he's ever seen.
- he made his way over to you, "excuse me? i lost my asshole friends and i'm kinda drunk and you're gorgeous, please help me."
- the two of you, mainly you, were looking all around for the other two. eventually, you found george trying to explain to sapnap that he had a bottle of perfume in his hands not whiskey.
i think you're pretty gorgeous too, text me when you're sober x (a note you left him in his jacket pocket)

- you worked at this adorable little cafe that just so happened to be wilbur's favorite, but here's the catch; you were a new employee.
- it was your first day and you were understandably nervous, even more so when he walked in.
- you took his order and quickly made the beverage, growing the courage to write your number (and a cute message) before calling out his name.
- he smiled, placed some money in the tip jar and walking away. you felt a little disheartened until you felt your phone vibrate.
i don't bite love, i'll see you tomorrow. make sure to use your words x

- you just moved to the netherlands from america,which was hell; everything that could've gone wrong went wrong, once you got settled in you decided it was time to call your family
-{i've never been on a plane so please bear with me}
- you thought you typed your mother's number and immediately started talking after the other person said 'hello' "Oh my goodness mom, it was awful. first the flight was delayed by four hours, then we had to do an emergency landing about 4 hours into the flight, and they lost my luggage! and to make it worse, the moving truck isn't going to be here till next week, so i don't have anything."
"I apologize for all that, that truthfully sounds awful, but i do believe you called the wrong number...but i'm very interested, i'm fundy by the way."

- you two meet when you were kids on vacation, but because you were so young all you had were a few pictures. you're also a streamer, currently telling a childhood story about said photo
- "So yeah chat, i really want to know how he's doing. he was so fun to hang out with." at this point chat had been spamming 'quackity!' 'yo that's quackity.'
- fans started tweeting to quackity trying to get him on the stream, which eventually happened and he joined your discord call.
"Holy shit! you don't know how hard i've tried to find you!"

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