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{dealing with hate}

- wouldn't stand for it, he can take the hate when it's directed at him, but with you it's different.
- he'd call it out and immediately put his foot down, telling them to stop.
- he'd make countless tweets telling haters to stop.

- he wouldn't know what to do at first, except reassure you that what they were saying wasn't true.
- eventually, he would make countless comments during streams and videos for haters to leave you alone.
- didn't let you be in streams and videos for a while.

- lost his ever loving mind, he couldn't understand how people could hate you.
- he'd lose his temper on streams and snap at the haters, telling the leave you alone and stop sending you hate.
- lowkey was very protective over you.

- hate didn't bother him, that is when it was directed at him. it would be as if a switch flipped and he was a different person.
- much like sapnap, he'd snap at haters and tell them to keep your name out of their mouths.
- he'd also make a bunch of comments and tweets telling them to leave you alone.

- he'd immediately put a stop to it. he'd make countless tweets and responses telling people to leave you alone and stop spreading hate.
- he'd constantly reassure you that all the things they were saying weren't true and that they were jealous.
- wouldn't let you be on the stream until it died down.

- he wouldn't really know what to do at first until he realized how far they were going and it was affecting you.
- told the fans that their actions were completely unacceptable and that he was absolutely disgusted by their behavior.
- would also make multiple comments to the haters telling them to stop.

- he'd cuss haters out in spanish and in english.
- very similar to sapnap, he'd be very protective and would constantly lose his shit when haters came for you.
- if he could, he probably would've fought them.

- this man makes sapnap and quackity's actions look like nothing. he'd go full blown overprotective.
- he'd lose his shit, he couldn't understand how people could hate you.
- he'd send out multiple tweets and make countless comments, demanding haters leave you alone.

- he'd make statements about how he was upset with certain people in his community.
- he'd tell people 'if you can't say anything nice, leave' he did not stand for y/n slander.
- he'd eventually snap, not as bad as schlatt, telling haters to shut up and mind their own business.

- was beyond disgusted with certain people's behavior and openly expressed it.
- she'd also openly express how disappointed she was in them.
- demanded that haters apologize to you and keep your name out their mouths.

- at first he'd warn fans about their actions, he'd constantly threaten to end the stream if they didn't stop.
- he'd eventually pull a full blown schlatt and lose his mind, he'd start expressing how disappointed he was.
- he'd make countless tweets and comments saying he didn't stand for the y/n slander and that everyone should be ashamed of themselves.

- he handled the situation very calmly, surprisingly.
- he'd openly say he was disappointed, disgusted, ashamed, etc of the way certain people in his community treated you.
- he even got sapnap and foolish to jump in and help him deal with the hate.

- he didn't know what to do at first or how to go about dealing with the hate, so he messaged punz.
- while purpled comforted you and reassured you that all the hate was not true, punz and his friends dealt with stopping the hate spread.
- he would speak up about how betrayed he felt that his fans were sending hate to his partner.

- he hit up everyone; wilbur, phil, tubbo, ranboo, etc, to get the haters to stop. he didn't care if he got hate, but he was slightly protective when it was directed to you.
- he'd speak out about the situation on streams and in videos, as well as make countless tweets about he was so disappointed.
- he'd lose his mind but not as bad as sapnap or schlatt.

- they'd take a more professional/serious approach. they'd make tweets about how they couldn't believe the people in their community.
- they'd always have a comeback or comment when they'd see hate towards you.
- constantly reminding you that the haters were just jealous and insecure.

- disappointment was the only emotion they felt. they couldn't believe the people in their community were capable of spreading hate.
- they'd tell the haters to stop and that their behavior was unacceptable and needed to stop.
- took a break from streaming because they wanted to spend time with you and reassure that the haters weren't truthful.

- much like niki, she'd express how heartbroken and disappointed. and much like ranboo, she couldn't believe people in her community could express so much hate.
- she'd ban people from her streams if they sent any hate towards you, saying that she didn't appreciate the y/n hate and that it was uncalled for.
- she'd make an instagram post and tweets standing up for you.

- he'd make countless tweets, instagram stories, and comments about how people needed to stop dragging your name through the mud.
- he'd also openly talk about how disgusted, heartbroken, and betrayed he felt by the people in his fan base.
- he'd constantly stand up for you and eventually aimsey, tubbo, ranboo, freddie, etc jumped in and began defending you.

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