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"You two!"

Diane stood up, pulling away from the boy, and saw two mortals in white and black armor. The same ones that she saw when she first arrived here.

"Don't move!" one screamed. "How'd you get here?"

"Easy now."

"Got two stowaways."

"Hey, you don't need to—"

Diane realized what was happening. These mortals wanted to harm this mortal. Why in particular, Diane would ask later. 

Diane was not a soldier. Well, she was a soldier of God but not like her friend, Daniel, who led armies against the Demons of Hell whereas she was back safe and sound in Heaven, collecting data at a desk. But that didn't mean she didn't pick up a thing or two from his tales.

Diane held her hand out and placed it on the suit. The mortal cried in pain and before you could blink, the body had turned into salt.

"Wha-What was that? What are you?!" the other one yelled.

Diane turned and watched the boy use the 'light saber', causing a burning streak from the mortal's head to the middle of their stomach to appear on the once-white armor. The body did not move anymore.

The boy looked at her in fear.

"What are you?!"

"My name is Diane."

He extended his arms out and gave her a look. One she did not understand.


Diane paused before saying, "I'm an Angel." 

The boy's eyes widened. In them, she saw...recognition?

"You're lying!" he said. "Angels aren't real."

Her eyes narrowed but she felt her wings pull back toward the vessel out of shyness.

"I am real."

"If that's the case, then where were you when—"

He stopped and Diane watched as he stormed off toward the door. It opened revealing more mortals and the boy took him down as well. Diane followed him into the rain. Just as he struck down the last one, the boy turned and shook his head.

"Why are you following me?! You need to go!"

"Why?" Diane asked.

"Because..." He gestured toward the dead mortals that tried to kill him. 

"You're in danger. I should stay."

He scoffed.

The boy walked away from her but the angel continued to follow after him. What she didn't tell him was that the reason she followed was because she did not know this world well enough to go on her own. Diane jumped after the boy and all her plans flew past her, into the open skies above. Now she had to follow through and get this boy to safety. 

They reached another room where the boy went to a small machine pad and the massive door beside her opened. 

"Only one way!" he yelled.

Diane nodded her head and saw that there was one flat pole leading toward the opening next door. She carefully placed one foot in front of the other and followed the rhythm she'd created to get to the other side. When she looked back, the redhead had practically run across it, acting as if it was nothing new to him. 

Diane quietly followed as the two walked, sometimes climbing their way through the train. The angel did not say anything until they came to a stop when the boy had to pry the doors open.

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