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Word was, an angel had gone missing and slipped under the archangel's radar. Every floor, every room, every angel was talking about it. Those who were tasked with finding this angel were scrambling about like chickens without a head. No one knew why this angel was so important. They could've just marked them with a FALLEN on their status and moved on with their angelic lives.

But this angel was no ordinary angel. This angel had supposedly worked on the fifth floor before being demoted to the third floor. This angel had known about 'The Plan'. And the fact that this angel had slipped under their radar, had the Archangels furious.

On the eighth floor, only two Archangels met up. If their other brothers knew about this they would no doubt take them out.

That was not an option.

The Archangels Gabriel and Michael were waiting for someone. They were waiting for the new Archangel to arrive.

This Archangel was created for the sole purpose of replacing Diane. This Archangel was one of the reasons why Diane had been demoted.


The angel greeted the other two.


"The angel Diane," Gabriel said. "We cannot find them."

"Diane was always too curious about the mortal world," Michael said, shaking his head.

"Brothers, do not fret," Archon said. "We will find this angel. No matter the cost."

"What if," Gabriel paused. "What if they, remember?"

Archon laughed.

"Diane will not."

"How do you know?" Michael said, furrowing his eyebrows.

Archon smiled. It was not a warm smile nor did it have mischief layered underneath. It was a smile that had bad intentions. Simple as that.

"Because I do."

Michael didn't say anything, neither did Gabriel. Michael knew Gabriel wouldn't say anything and neither would he, but the Archangel had a bad feeling about Archon.



"That doesn't look good."

Cal looked below from his seat at the mess in front of them.

"The Empire is devouring Kashyyyk for its natural resources. Wookiees have been enslaved or displaced."

Diane glanced over at Cere and frowned. She'd started to feel something stirring within her.


The Mantis kept moving forward but it jolted to the side as two aircraft flew past them.

"That was a close one, kid! Aren't you supposed to be watching the monitors?" Greez scolded Cal.

"Guerrilla fighters! Wookiees and off-worlders ambushing an Imperial convoy."

"Walkers approaching their position!"

"Tarfful could be with them," Diane said, feeling like she should contribute.

"Tarfful could be anywhere! Like deep in the ground, like we're gonna be if we get caught up in that battle down there!" Greez exclaimed.

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