병원 pt. 3 -32

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Hospital pt.3

"Hey. Wakie wakie. Time to get up~" says Jimin, in a soft and gentle voice, as he tries to get JinTae to wake up. Yoongi is already awake and is calling Chanyeol that one of his sons is sick and that he won't go to work for 2 days and that he is very sorry.

Which he really isn't.

"Good monin', daddy." says Taehyung, as he stretches a bit.

"Good morning!" says Seokjin, happily.

"Good morning, babies. Did you guys sleep well?" asks Jimin, caressing both his son's cheeks.

"I slept really well!" says Jin, raising his arms up in the air as he sits up.

"That is good to hear. What about you, Tae?" asks Jimin, in a soft and gentle voice. Which is basically his morning voice.

"Tae sleep soo good. Know why?" asks Taehyung, as he sits up and faces his daddy, shooting his rectangular smile.

"Why is that, Tae baby?" asks Jimin, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed where he softly smiles at Taehyung. He sees Jungkook behind Taehyung and the baby looks so peaceful sleeping, as if nothing happened. He wishes he knew what made his baby cry so much yesterday? And what led to him having chest pains? Did he eat something bad? Is he allergic to something that Yoongi made for him and thought it was harmless?

"Tae dream that Kookie was runnin' 'round on a big grass field! Kookie was so happy and Kookie said to Tae, 'Kookie will be alright. No worry.' So Tae hug Kookie!" says Taehyung, raising his arms up, happily.

"That means that Kookie will be alright! That means he will feel better and be running around again! And just be himself!" says Seokjin, smiling at Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes widen and his mouth turns into an 'O'. But then turns into a boxy smiling, hearing that his baby brother will be alright. "Weally? Kookie be fine!"

"Yes. Exactly what Jinie said to you. Kookie will fight!" says Jimin, turning his hand into a fist, proudly.

"Kookie fighting!" yells JinTae, making Jungkook wake up.

He moves around a bit then opens his eyes at the ceiling and his eyes instantly widen. He starts crying and Jimin immediately scoops him up and rocks him in his arms.

"Hey hey, Kookie, look! Daddy is here!" says Jimin, worried but smiling so Jungkook could calm down.

Jungkook calms down and he looks at Jimin's eyes with his big ones. "Daddy? Where appa, daddy? He gone?"

"He is calling his boss telling him that he will stay with you for 2 days. It is ok. Tell me why are you crying?" asks Jimin, as he holds Jungkook with one arm and the other is caressing the baby's cheek.

"Because Kookie no know where am." says Jungkook, as he hides his face in his daddy's chest, "But now Kookie know he with his daddy." He clutches onto his shirt.

"And Jin!" he raises his hand.

"Also Tae!" he also raises his hand.

"Oh! Kookie's hyungs!" he says, happily but doesn't take his head out of his chest.

Jimin felt warmth with Jungkook in his arms. He loves this. Jungkook holding onto his shirt while he holds him close to him. If right now this is cute then imagine when he was smaller. Why would their parents not love them? They didn't abuse them or anything they just paid no attention to them. Jimin just wished these 3 kids are actually his sons. Together with Yoongi. But of course, Yoongi is terrified.

Because of what happened to his mo-

"He says that he is alright with me taking 2 days off. Plus he can be a bartender himse- omg! Kookie! Good morning, baby! Are you hurt? Do you feel sick? Tell me how you feel, baby!" says Yoongi. As soon as he saw him in Jimin's arms he ran to the hospital bed where his family are.

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