4. Drew

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"Is this girl really coming?" Rudy asked, a little annoyed. I almost told him to shut up, like he didn't realize how amazing she is.

"I hope so." I shrugged. "I'd text her but I don't want her to think I'm obsessed with her."

"Is she hot?" Rudy asked.

"Yes." Madelyn and Deion nodded. "Very."

It took me a minute to find her room but I finally did when I saw her walk out in her little dress and heels, a pocketbook on her hip as she locked the door.

That dress. Her thighs. Those thighs that I'd have to have wrapped around me in the morning. Filming this movie is going to be torture.

"Juliette!" I yelled and motioned for her to come over.

She smiled shyly as she approached our group.

"Where are we going?" She asked as we piled into the Uber.

Chase and Deion sat in the front, Maddie, Maddie, and Austin took the middle row, and Jules, Rudy and I sat cramped in the back.

"There's a bar with live music downtown," Madelyn explained. "It's one of our faves."

Jules nodded and stared outside, bumping along in the car through the city.

Chase, Rudy, and I took to going to the bar to grab everyone a drink and the others found a round booth that could fit all of us.

"I wasn't sure what you wanted," I handed a drink to Jules and slid in right beside her. "So I got you a tequila soda."

Her eyes widened. "Tequila makes me make bad decisions," she laughed but drank much of it anyway.

"Juliette," Rudy started, which for sure caught my attention, "where are you from?"

She laughed and put down her drink, leaning back against the cushions. "Originally, Northern France. But now New York."

"Wow," Rudy nodded. "Why'd you move there?"

"My parents wanted a new life. We moved when I was six," she shrugged. "My mom and I moved to the city when I started college. But that went to hell, so I dropped out after a year."

"What? You told Marshall you finished college." I sat back farther, leaning my elbow on the back of the booth so I could face her better.

"No," she raised her eyebrows with a smile, "I told him I went to college. I never said I got a degree."

"Ooo, sneaky," Maddie said. "So what brought you into acting?"

"Guys, don't interrogate the poor girl," Austin laughed.

"None of us know her," Rudy shrugged.

"To answer your question, Maddie, I grew up acting. I originally went to college for it." She sighed. "I worked on Broadway for a couple of years," She shrugged.

"So do you speak French?" Madison asked eagerly.

"Oui, bien sûr." She smiled. Yes, of course.

"Oh my god, you're so sexy." Madelyn gushed.

"Merci." Juliette continued to grin. "Vous ne parlez pas français?" She asked us all. Thank you. You don't speak French?

"Je parle français." I corrected her. I speak French.

Her head whipped over, her eyes slightly wide.

"Ah bon?" She whispered and adjusted to face me completely, clearly interested in my small ability to speak. Really?

"Un peu," I pinched my fingers together, symbolizing how little I spoke. "Do I have an accent?" I asked curiously. A bit.

Born to Die - Drew StarkeyWhere stories live. Discover now