7. Juliette

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"Again?" Marshall held out his phone.

Drew Starkey Spotted With Another Potential Love Interest

Drew squinted and scrolled down. "Mads? They think I'm dating Mads? She's with Chase!"

"It's not just that," Marshall looked through his reading glasses to scroll down to another photo before holding it out.

"That's my sister!" Drew yelled. "This is ridiculous. Even if these were all real girls I was taking on dates, why should anyone care? Why is that anyone else's business?"

"You need to settle down, Drew. You're twenty nine."

"I don't need to do shit," he corrected Marshall.

"Juliette, I'm ready for you," Katheryn called.

I left Drew to follow Katheryn to the costume trailer and talked quietly with her as she got me dressed.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out carefully.

Corey Willis

*See attachment*

The photo of Drew and I from many weeks ago with his arm around me. This must've been a massive wakeup call for Corey. The article mentioned my real name, the fact that I was acting for Netflix, and suggested I was dating Corey's roommate's friend. Whoops.


Come on
What the fuck happened to you

Get over yourself

Im just trying to talk
I want to know how you got here

Leave me alone


"Who are you texting?" Katheryn asked with a smile.

"My ex."

Her smile faded as she laced up the back of my dress. "Oh. So Drew is off the table?"

I laughed nervously and put my phone away. "Probably. At least for now. My ex won't leave me alone and Drew has to fix his reputation."

"I think there's a very clear answer here," she offered. I raised an eyebrow and she explained. "Just start dating."

"We can't just start dating," I laughed.

"I mean, make people think that you're dating."

I looked at her with confusion as she came around the front of me to straighten out the dress. "He needs to fix his rep and you need your ex to go away. He'll go away if he thinks you're taken and Drew's rep will be fixed if people think he's committed."

I stared at the dress in the mirror in serious thought. The idea was certainly not a bad one. Clever, actually. A little devious. But how could I even bring something like this up to Drew? How do you ask someone to be your fake boyfriend?

"I mean, I don't know," Katheryn shook her head like she was getting rid of her thoughts. "Who knows if he'd go for it."

Marshall always talked about first looks being important, and fuck, was he right. We were shooting the Midsummer scenes. I was in a gorgeous green satin dress and didn't quite know what Drew was in yet, only that it was supposed to subtly and accidentally match me.

Dylan and I shot the scene in his convertible, driving through the streets to the actual event, stepping out of the car, cameras expertly shooting each of us separately at the same time as we took in the warm ocean breeze and made our way into the party.

Born to Die - Drew StarkeyWhere stories live. Discover now