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(check cast for heathers faceclaim)

It's your first day in the neighborhood, and you're already behind bars. You quickly get up as the door to the room opens, revealing a stern-looking police officer. She glances at you with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, making you feel even more uneasy.

The blonde woman then begins laughing. Her laughter echoes through the room, breaking the tension that had been building up. You can't help but feel a sense of relief as her laughter seems to lighten the atmosphere.

"If it were up to me, I'd let you out tonight, but Dewey wants you to think about what you've done. Frankie always edged me the wrong way as soon as he got here, he's too childish. I'm Officer Kirby, by the way." Officer Kirby's voice is surprisingly friendly, contrasting with the initial air of suspicion.

She leans against the wall, her expression softening as she continues to speak. "Dewey just wants to make sure you understand the consequences of your actions. We're here to help you, not punish you."

You nod at her words, "Thank you." Officer Kirby nods back, a reassuring smile on her face. "You're welcome," she says, her tone filled with genuine sympathy. "I'll let your visitor in."

Visitor? Was it Iris? You wrap your hand around the iron bars in front of you, waiting for Kirby to bring your visitor in. The sound of footsteps grows louder, and your heart skips a beat as the door swings open to reveal... Tara?

The freckled-faced girl walks towards you with a hesitant smile. "Hey," she says softly. You send her a tiny smile, your voice as low as hers. "Hey."

Tara's visit catches you off guard, and you can't help but wonder why she is visiting you in this place. As she reaches the iron bars, you notice a hint of nervousness in her eyes. "...Thank you. For, uh, not letting me leave with him." You nod, understanding her gratitude. "Of course, Tara. I guess we're even now, huh?"

Tara's eyes widen slightly. "Yeah, I guess so. I still feel like I owe you one." You give her a reassuring smile, hoping to ease any lingering doubts she may have. "Don't worry about it, Tara. Just glad I could help."

Tara stares at you a bit before shaking her head, "Yeah, I don't know. I think I was more messed up than I realized." You slip a finger through the bar, reaching out to gently touch her hand. Tara eyes your hand for a bit, hesitant at first but eventually allowing your touch.

"It's okay, Tara. Plus, I think we were all a little messed up at that party. I thought I landed all my punches until I realized I saw three Frankies instead of one."

Tara gives a small chuckle, her dimples deepening as she looks up at you. You smile at Tara's chuckle, relieved to see her mood lighten. Your own smile begins to fade as you ask, "Hey, do you know anyone named Iris here?" Her eyebrows furrow, and she slowly nods her head.

"Iris? Yeah, I know her. Her and Chad are supposed to be a thing. Why do you ask?" Tara's voice carries a hint of curiosity as she waits for your response.

You hesitate for a moment, unsure if you should confide in Tara. But after a deep breath, you decide to trust her. "I knew Iris know, the walkers. She was my girlfriend."

Tara's eyes widen in surprise, "Are you serious?" You nod, pulling your hand back behind the bars. "Yeah, we've been together since high school. It feels like a lifetime ago now," you reply, a hint of sadness in your voice. Tara's expression softens.

Before she speaks, you noticed a mix of emotions flicker across her face: empathy, understanding, and perhaps a touch of curiosity. It's clear that Tara wants to know more, but she respects your vulnerability and decides to give you the space to share at your own pace. "I'm sorry..."

RECKLESS, tara carpenter x reader x ocWhere stories live. Discover now