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(epilogue next chapter + not really proofread)

You point at a certain mark on the map, triggering Chad to sigh, and shake his head. "Chad, we have to go past here, or we're going to go back home empty-handed. Chad sighs again, his expression filled with frustration. "I know, but what if we keep looking here? We could've missed something."

You clench your jaw, "We've been searching here for the past three weeks, Chad." Chad looks down at the map, contemplating your words. After a moment, Wes speaks up, joining in the conversation. "Maybe it's time to consider exploring other areas. There's a chance that we might find what we're looking for elsewhere."

Chad looks up, contemplating Wes's suggestion, before finally nodding in agreement. "Alright, let's broaden our search and see if we have better luck in a different location." Finally agreeing on another area to search, you all get back into the truck, hoping to find enough to feed your community.

There's been a shortage in the community's inventory. It seems like food is just not as plentiful as it used to be. Despite their best efforts, the current location hasn't yielded enough resources to sustain everyone.

People are getting frustrated due to their hunger, and tensions are starting to rise. It's crucial to find a new location with abundant resources soon, as the community's well-being depends on it.

The thought of returning empty-handed fills you with dread, knowing that it would only fuel the growing unrest among your fellow community members. You silently pray for a stroke of luck and that this new location can provide the nourishment your people desperately seek.

When you arrive, you notice Chad's uneasiness. "You okay?" you ask, concerned. Chad hesitates before answering, "I'm just worried about what we'll find here. We've been disappointed before, and I don't know if we can handle another setback." You understand his fears and reassure him that together, you will face whatever challenges lie ahead.

You grip your pistol tighter, ready to defend yourself and your group if necessary. Chad hops out of the car, with you and Wes following behind him. "Walker to our left," you announce, keeping your voice low.

Wes nods at you, silently jogging over to kill the flesh-eating creature before it becomes a threat. Chad scans the area, his eyes darting between the abandoned buildings and overgrown vegetation, searching for any other signs of danger.

You take a deep breath, the weight of the situation settling in as you prepare for the unknown lurking in the shadows. The tension in the air is obvious, but you trust in your group's abilities to navigate this risky panorama.

"Let's check out that building ahead." You suggest, pointing towards the best-looking structure that appears to be relatively intact. Chad nods in agreement, and together you cautiously make your way toward it, keeping a watchful eye for any potential dangers that may arise along the way.

You reach for your flashlight, illuminating the room with a beam of light that reveals the remnants of a once vibrant space. Dust-covered furniture and torn wallpaper hint at the life that once thrived here, but now only silence and emptiness remain. Chad scans the room, his eyes darting from corner to corner, searching for any signs of danger.

A sudden creaking noise echoes through the stillness, causing your hearts to skip a beat. Chad instinctively grabs your arm, his grip tightening as you both freeze in anticipation. Slowly, you turn towards the source of the sound, ready to face whatever awaits you in this mysterious place.

You relax, it was only a walker. Its decaying body lurches towards you, its hollow eyes staring blankly ahead. Chad raises his knife, ready to defend both of you from the threat. With ease, he kills it, sending it collapsing to the ground.

RECKLESS, tara carpenter x reader x ocWhere stories live. Discover now