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(brooo i deleted chapter one tryna delete an old draft bruh 😭)

Once you get close enough to the woman, she starts running as well, leaving you no time to ask questions. You chase after her, desperately trying to keep up with her pace. As you follow her, your mind races with curiosity, wondering why she chose to help you. And was she the one who shot the gun?

You feel a mix of fear and intrigue as you contemplate the mysterious circumstances surrounding her involvement. Despite the unanswered questions, your instinct tells you that sticking with her is your best chance at survival.

The two of you run for a while until you reach the middle of the woods. She stops, looking around.

You take this as a chance to talk, "Where are we going?" You ask, trying to catch your breath. She turns to you with a determined look in her eyes, "Get in the car, and then I'll explain." She begins jogging, and you follow her, behind a few trees there's an old pickup truck.

Its worn exterior suggests that it has been abandoned for quite some time. As you both climb into the truck, you speak again.

"Okay! Now, can you explain? I'm lost on what's going on, where we're going, and who you are." She starts the engine, and the truck roars to life, its rusty parts groaning in protest. She glances at you before turning her attention back onto the dirt road.

"We're going to turn around for my sister, then we're going back to our home base. And my name is Tara Carpenter, there." You furrow your eyebrows, holding onto the door handle as the truck bounces along the uneven terrain. "Wait, your sister? I didn't see anyone," you say, trying to make sense of the situation.

"How do you think you're still alive? She was the one who shot that walker." Tara's eyes narrow as she recalls the intense encounter. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Tara's words hang in the air, leaving you speechless.

The realization sinks in that your life was saved by someone you never even saw.

"Wait, wait, wait! Did you just call them walkers?"

Tara sends you a confused look, "Yeah?"

"What about the ones that jog?" You ask, then mumble to yourself. "Joggers..?" Tara raises an eyebrow, clearly perplexed by your question. "Joggers? What are you talking about?" she asks, her confusion evident in her voice.

You quickly realize that your attempt at humor fell flat, and you awkwardly laugh it off, trying to change the subject. "Never mind, forget I said anything."

"Also, you said something about a home base? I appreciate you and your sister saving my life and all, but groups never do any good." Tara looks at you with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"I understand, but think about what could've happened if we didn't find you," she responds, her voice gentle yet firm. You ponder her words for a moment, realizing that she's right. You could've gotten bit.

"I'm not going to beg you to come home with us. Just think about it." You nod, acknowledging Tara's point. The thought of the potential danger you narrowly escaped lingers in your mind. Soon, you see a group of walkers and another woman in a tree, a sniper on her back.

Without thinking, you hop out of the truck, yelling, causing some of the walkers to turn their attention towards you. You take your knife out of your belt and start slashing at the approaching walkers, adrenaline coursing through your veins.

The woman in the tree notices your bravery and starts picking off the remaining walkers with her sniper rifle, providing you with much-needed backup. As you both fight off the horde together, you realize that this unexpected partnership might just be the key to surviving this terrifying ordeal.

RECKLESS, tara carpenter x reader x ocWhere stories live. Discover now