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As I walk down the crowded halls, I stop in front of my locker to grab my textbooks for my next class, English.

I roll the lock around until I feel the last tick of my code and then softly pull the lock open.

The locker door pops open and a small, white piece of paper drifts down in front of me.

I bend down to pick it up and begin to unfold the paper until I can fully read the whole thing.

Jules, I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time at the party and I have something I wanted to ask you.     Meet at the rink at 6:30pm

I take my eyes off of the note and glance around to get an idea of who could have written this note.

My eyes land upon the only suitable option around which is Lukas, who's leaning on the wall, laughing with his friends. I look down at the note again and reread the first sentence.

...I had a great time at the party-

No fucking way.

If Lukas wrote me this note, I'll never let him hear the end of this.

He better not think we had a moment in that closet because I swear to god if-

My thoughts get cut off by the sound of the loud bell alerting me that I'm now late for English.

I quickly grab my textbook and forcefully hatch my locker back together.

My feet begin to pick up a fast rhythm as I dart down the halls over to English.

After what feels like forever, I make it into my seat before my teacher could even notice I'm late.

I look up to read the white board; Flip to page 223 and read until the next chapter.

I grab my book out of my bag, plopping it down onto my desk and flipping to the designated page.

I quickly scan over how many pages I have to read until the next chapter which happens to be...

My fingers release the page it was holding as my eyes tell my brain to do the math.

73 pages.

Can't the teacher just do what they're supposed to and teach so we don't have to read so much.

I sigh and flip back to page 223 and begin reading.


The bell rings alerting everyone that the school day is finally over.

I begin to pack up my things and head outside over to my car.

I make my way through the plenty of students who are waiting for their parents to pick them up.

I don't miss that.

I finally make it over to my car, unlock it and then start it up.

As I begin to become cozy in my seat, my phone buzzes.

I throw my bag into the passenger seat and grab my phone out from my back pocket.

Lukas: Roy said he needed help setting up learn to skate tonight and he wants us to help.

I love that Roy always thinks of me when he needs someone to help him. It makes me believe he fully trusts me.

Me: I should be able to help. What time do I need to be there?

Lukas: Roy said 6:30pm.

I drop my phone into my lap and take a second to think.

No way Lukas wrote me this note saying to meet him at the rink at six thirty and now all of the sudden Roy needs specifically both of us to be at the rink at six thirty..

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