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It's been almost a week since I went over to Juliana's that night to talk.

I've kind of been avoiding her ever since that night to spare any further moments that could be sparked.

Something has changed between us and I don't think either of us like it.

My goal is to stay as far away from her as I can until her competition is over tomorrow. I don't want to risk her stumbling or messing up a move because of some dumb shit I did.

I know if something did happen, she'd end up blaming it on me one way or another.

I just have to get through today without running into or talking to her. I've made it this whole week without her noticing but we have to work in our assigned groups every friday and of course, she's in my group.

I walk into PreCalc, avoiding eye contact as usual, and sit myself down in my seat.

"Did you do the homework?" Kiara quickly asks me. As smart as Kiara is, she always forgets to do her homework and her assigned seat has been right next to mine since the first week of school. It gives her time to tell me all the gossip she's heard over the week and to ask me for any answers.

"I think," I reply, not knowing which one she's talking about.

"The one we got yesterday," she tries to explain but I shrug. "The one about partial fractions," she finishes.

I give her a look that tells her I didn't do it and she rolls her eyes, turning back to her paper to finish it. "You're no help," she lets out.

My attention turns towards our teacher who begins to speak and teaches us our lesson for the day. He asks for the homework and then tells us to get into our groups.

The room starts rearranging and Kiara scoots her desk closer to mine. She's in my group along with Juliana and some guy named Trent. Trent doesn't do shit though so it's mainly Kiara and Juliana who do everything for our project. I sometimes help if I really paid attention to the unit though.

Trenton and Juliana make their way over to our group and place themselves down. Juliana pulls out the project and begins to type.

The project is a full year assignment. What the goal is, is to make a summary of everything we learned for that unit or each week. In PreCalc, most things correlate and our teacher doesn't want to reteach us anything, hint the project, so that's why this whole thing was made up in the first place.

"Everyone give me the notes you took for this week," Juliana orders. Kiara hands a small stack of hers over, I give a few papers, and Trent gives her nothing.

"Trent, the notes?" she repeats. He sparks his head up out of his arms and looks around.

"What notes?" he questions.

"Nevermind," she spits back, rolling her eyes. He looks at her all confused and then places his head back in his arms, dozing off.

Juliana shuffles through all of the notes and puts them in a specific order while Kiara talks to her.

"Did you hear about Breanna?" Kiara sparks up. I decide that this conversation doesn't involve me and pull out my phone, still listening in though.

"What'd she do this time?" Juliana questions, flipping through the notes.

"Apparently she's pregnant-,"


"And get this, she doesn't even know who the father is," Kiara finishes in a whisper shout. Juliana's face drops and she covers her mouth to laugh.

"Isn't she dating that one ugly guy?" I chime in. I remember always seeing them in the halls making out, it's disgusting.

"Yes! But apparently she's messing with some other guys on the low," Kiara explains.

"Those guys have to be desperate then," I claim, thinking about how this girl looks. Don't get me wrong, she's not the ugliest but personality wise.. damn.

"Hm," Juliana mumbles. I glance over to her and she gives me a disapproving look.

"What?" I question, wondering what her problem is.

"Look who's finally deciding to talk," she glares while typing up on our project.

I grow silent and turn my attention towards Kiara. "Who do you think the dad is?" I change the subject.

"Probably the one she's always making out with in the halls," she inquires. She doesn't take note of whatever just happened between Juliana and I and keeps on rambling.

For the rest of the class period, Kiara just goes on about the latest news and Juliana works on the project.

As the bell rings, the class begins to empty out until I'm the last one walking out the door, at least I thought I was the last one.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Juliana confronts as she tugs on my arm, making me turn to her.

"I'm not ignoring you," I lie. She looks up at me with a face I can't name.

"Yes you are," she states again.

"I'm talking to you right now," I boast while turning to walk out of the room.

"Yeah, whatever," she grunts while walking faster to get away from me.

I adjust my composure as I spot Alex hanging out by some of the lockers. I stride over to him and join in on whatever conversation they were having.

Alex takes notice of me, says goodbye to whoever he was talking to, and begins to walk off with me.

"What's going on with you and Jules?" he questions out of the blue.

"That's so random," I avoid while making my way down the hall.

"I just saw y'all talking and then she angrily walked off," he mentions.

I stay silent and shrug it off, not giving him anything to take note off.

"Well, it seemed like you guys had a good time at the formal but you haven't talked since. It's like you're avoiding her or something?" Alex states as if he's trying to figure out the reason on his own.

"Good then. That's exactly what I'm trying to do," I answer, giving him closure.

"Why can't you guys be civil for just once?" he questions in an eager tone.

"It's not her, it's me," I finally spit out, stopping in the middle of the hall. Alex stops with me and pulls me over to the side.

"What are you talking about?" he questions.

"Things were weird between us and I didn't want to do or say anything that could potentially fuck up her performance tommrrow," I finally explain, gaining Alex's full attention.

"Are you being serious right now?" he states rather than a question.

"Yes?" I contemplate based on his tone.

"You're so difficult," he mutters while turning away to walk to his next class.

I don't know why Alex cares so much about this whole thing. He isn't the one who's suddenly feeling things for their lifelong frenemy.

I still don't know how I feel for Juliana even after talking to her that night..


Who's feeling things for who ? ;)

Comment pookie bears <3

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