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I roll onto my side and let the sun hit my face, sparking my eyes open.

My window is quite big and my curtains are thin, it's a straight path for the light to shine through.

What time is it?

I search around for my phone and fumble around until I finally lay my hands on top of it.


I should probably start getting up and around..

The blankets glide out from under me as my feet make contact with my cold wooden floorboards.

I love winter but I hate how cold my house gets at night.

My feet slide into my slippers and begin to travel downstairs into the kitchen.

It's more lively down here. My mom is cleaning up breakfast and my dad is sitting on the couch watching the weekly football game at a louder volume than he needs to be.

My eyes wander around the kitchen to figure out what my mom made for breakfast.

If my senses are correct, it seems like she made avocado and egg toast. I hope she made avocado and egg toast.

"Look who's finally awake," my mom greets while continuing to focus on the unwashed dishes before her.

"If the sun didn't blind me, I'd still be sleeping," I admit while opening the fridge to look for something to drink. My eyes lay upon the half empty orange juice and I decide that's my best pick.

"We asked you if you wanted blackout curtains and you said no," she mentions.

"Because - I like waking up from the sun during the summer but not during the winter," I answer while pouring my glass fully to the top.

"You say that now.." she pesters. She switches the sink off and turns her body to face mine. "I made you avocado and egg toast just how you like it," she states as if she was reading my mind.

A smile grows on my lips. "I knew my nose wasn't failing me," I reply while making my way over to the dinner table. I place my glass down and begin to dig into the dish.

"Hungry?" she questions with a small laugh.

"Very," I respond with a mouth full of food.

After a couple minutes of munching down, I'm at a state where I can have a full conversation.

"Oh - Mom?" I mutter across the room as she has now taken a seat in the living room to read. I don't know how she can tune out all of the noise from the game but she never lets it bother her.

"Yes?" she half responds, not taking her eyes off of her book.

"I'm going to be out tonight if that's okay with you," I state more than ask for her approval. I continue to take another bite as I wait for her to respond.

She flips a page in her book before glancing over at me. "Where are you going?" she questions.

"On a date," I spit out.

"A date?" my mom pauses. "With Lukas?" she quickly suspects.

I stop chewing my food and glare over at her. "What? No? Why would I go on a date with him?" I quickly interrogate.

She bookmarks her page and fully closes her book. "Just a guess," she pauses. "Who are you going with then?" she asks.

"Kent - you know him, he's on the hockey team and-"

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