Chapter 4 The second brother bullied others, so he just took a bite

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Chapter 4 The second brother bullied others, so he just took a bite
Chapter 4 The second brother bullied others, so he just took a bite
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【What the writer wants to say:】

I, Hu Hansan, are back again. Although the virus is reluctant to part with me, nothing can stop my enthusiasm for more articles, haha cough cough...

——Thank you little angels for your concern. Except for a little fever, cough, sore throat and headache, everything else is fine ︿O︿, little angels must, must, pay more attention to your body, ღ( ´・ᴗ・ )Be more careful

This chapter is a bit short, while my mind is still clear, I am going to do more, and there is a high probability that I will drop the second watch in the afternoon, eh~


After that day, Tang Xiaotang continued to go to school during the day as usual, and went home at night to cultivate relationships with the protagonists.

The classmates in the class discovered a phenomenon. Su Herui, who used to talk about Tang Xiaotang's nose, was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes. Recently, he didn't know what medicine he took wrongly, but he changed his mind about Tang Xiaotang.

Of course, it's not enough to become friends with Tang Xiaotang, but when he heard others talking about Tang Xiaotang, not only did he not follow him, but he gave him a cold look and refused to let others say,

What type of situation is this?

So someone asked, and Su Herui looked at Tang Xiaotang unnaturally. When he saw that the other party was not looking at him, his face immediately turned dark. He wanted to be angry but for some reason he held it back. Finally, hold back a word,

"It's not kind to talk about people behind their backs, anyway, don't let me hear you talking behind their backs again, and,"

"...and he's not as bad as you say,"

The last sentence made everyone present stare wide-eyed.

Young life! Su Herui could actually hear Tang Xiaotang speaking for Tang Xiaotang. Are you sure he wasn't lowered?

But Su Herui was thinking about the scene that happened in the office that day.

Although Tang Xiaotang still has that bad temper that can irritate people, for some reason, Su Herui always thinks that the other party is awkward and cute,

Realizing what he was thinking, Su Herui's expression froze, and then his face became even darker!

grass! How could he find that savage and unreasonable guy cute? ! !

Another strange phenomenon is that Luo Yi, who always followed Tang Xiaotang, was ordered by Tang Xiaotang not to follow him anymore

Everyone doesn't think that Luo Yi is a character, but he is just an illegitimate child who can't stand on the stage, but the point is, Tang Xiaotang has only one friend in total, and he can really say that if he doesn't play with others, he won't play with them up?

Isn't Tang Xiaotang a real lone ranger?

Facts have proved that Tang Xiaotang must not feel it is a pity. Even if he walks alone every day, no one thinks that he cares about it. As the young master of the Duke's family, he lives more freely than any of them.

But even if Tang Xiaotang didn't care about it himself, most of the other people were curious, so they all asked what was going on? There are always some people who are well-informed and have inquired about what happened in the office that day.

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