65 & 66chapter The rules of light magic, chapter 65

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Meanwhile At Regina's House, now mother just take A seat on. the couch, Said Regina As They; walked into the living room, it's not. that I don't want to talk about
My past with Merlin, or Camelot, I j I'm just not ready,
I understand, replied Her daughter " you're Upset, I can sense it. I just don't understand why you. kept your
Time; in Camelot, from me. You didn't even write, About it.
In your journal, they; were interrupted by Regina's phone, it's a text from charming, A villain They call mouse, and A villain named phantasm Are Attacking down town, need your help. On my way,
Sounds important, replied Cora Yes, I better get going. Just stay, here and rest. She disappeared
Meanwhile in the past, Merlin walked into the throne, room, it may be a good idea. What May be? The wizard, asked lady, Cora wishes to teach our daughter magic, replied Gwenivear I don't think this is a good idea. The wizard replied And Why not. Demanded Cora teaching magic, takes A while.
I have patience, she replied A very long while, This is a concern because, ? Lady, Cora has a family, to go back to. My husband, is Head of the household,
And Regina, is young, She doesn't need Her " mother ' As much. Regourdless
She is selfish, Huh well I could tell you. What is wrong with you. But it may take, days, to pronounce. Cora took a breath, I'll make, a deal with you. Wizard, sence you do not. Trust me. Why not bare
witness Attend my lessons' and to show I am Fair Teach some of your own, to me magic, Agreed said, the King, Sir Kay, and Sir Garth, rushed in Morgana, is on the move,
Where? Asked Arthur, she is headed for the fairy stones Queen, mabs place, of worship.
Replied Merlin Alert the guards we leave, at midnight,
Meanwhile in the present Cora couldn't sleep so she took a walk Around the mansion outside, mother superior came, you really shouldn't be so hard on.
Merlin, He could have told me. He was here, even before, in the past. She replied you. would not have wanted to know, him, back then, mother superior replied Still He Murphy knew I wanted to move on. How would he feel if I took his chances for peace Away, from him? The nun shrugged if you Are Sirius And really do want to learn light, magic, then you. must remember;*the rules. Don't use light magic, to
Get even 1 Never use Light magic, in A situation you have no power over, 2
3 Always trust your heart and let Fate guide you. The Blue fairy Finished
Sounds like An Awful lot of rules replied Alphaba Hehe the women. Laughed

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