chapter 2026 closeness

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Meanwhile At the police station, he will have to stay, here until Jay, gets back And then he can take him to the graphic world, can't we erase his memory first ? " What would be the point of that?" Asked Cora " But"
He knows About your time. At Artemis, And
He saw the memory, of me telling you And the rest of your friends that I Am the son. Of Merlin, I'm sure,
Jay: Has a plan. To handle these kind of things
She reassured still the villains knowing My secret, Gives them an Advantage. you sound like your father,I'm just going to go text Alphaba, Alright, she replied Yes Henry, Regina walks into the room, on her cell phone, things are fine, for now. Well I was on. My way, Home, but seeing That this is mother's first time. dealing with a super villain
I thought I would stay, alright bye.
You don't have to be here said Cora mother as
Mayor, and the Good Queen, it. is my responsibility,
And I did say, I would be involved with the magic,
Side of thing's Regina looks over At Gabriel
What was he like As a child living here?"
Asked Cora good natured troublesome He had An interesting childhood, I think you should keep him.
After all you have Always wanted A son. Mr.s heartly Alphaba: says we need to get home.
Thompson: has been walking around the grounds of the house, Alright with me. She replied
The queen of hearts did feel close to Gabriel,
He was A loner like "Her* what with his secret, him
Hanging over but why did fate bring him to her. everything okay he asked yes let's go.

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