Meanwhile in Thompsons hideout, not only have They; managed
To turn one. Of my followers but they've sent, him to A Better place. Ahhh Calm down, friend, said Dr. Faceilier who Are you? Thompson asked somebody, who knows your troubles what if I said i could I help you. And your lady, friend, speak Replied Thompson
What if I said there was a way, to get victory, over the storybrooke, heroes
How By getting rid of the one. Who has family, ties with them, Merlin: the wizard of Camelot,
Meanwhile in the past, Cora and Taileison were taking A walk you. won't be staying, for very long, will you? Um that depends your foot is healing and aside, from teaching the princess magic, There really is no. reason. for you. to stay, Cora was offended I beg your pardon, madame, I just meant That contued Tal that there are three, people, who like, you. And four, people who don't. I see replied Cora and can you name. Them?
King, Arthur queen, gwenivear, princess Avlynn, also Jason, and lady, Igraine and the four Sir. Ector, sir. Rowen, princess, Kassandra, And And lady Vivian, the lady of the lake. Well she doesn't like the Dark one. So Any of his former lovers or followers Are not
welcome, in her nephew's kingdom, I will remember, that. Said, Cora They; walked to the castle, meanwhile in the hall of the round table, your majesty cora Mills: is un trustworthy she" is the dark ones former lover, she is not fit to stay, here, yet, she is And will continue to do so. Meanwhile in the present, At Hook & Emma's So. We won yes yep replied Emma But Then, there is the thing that happened with Gabriel, And this is what worry's me. Killian replied and I don't think,
Hope, should be left Alone, with him " At least until we" find out who or what he is.
once upon a time Beyond story Brooke,
FanficIt's been A peaceful few years Since Henry Came back to town and stopped mother gothel and now. a New evil is On the rise meanwhile in Another version of oz At magic school future wicked witch of the west alphaba is About to Discover Her" connection...