Chapter 3 - Who Said Improv Wasn't Useful

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Can't stop the grind ╰(‵□′)╯



"...I don't wanna go to the zoo Mom~..."



Ben suddenly shot up and looked around sighing.

Phew, just a dream" 

He looked at the bed beside him. "Where's Isabella?", he muttered. 

"Mr Tennyson", Elena appeared holding some clothing. 

"Oh Elena, Morning." Ben yawned, stretching his arms. 

"Morning Mr Tennyson" She smiled handing him a stack of clothes, "Master Sophisas has hand-picked these clothes for you"

Ben's eyes widened as he noticed the clothing, 

"Oh...", he muttered, taking the shirt and stretching it out for a look.

He didn't want to be disrespectful and not wear, but...No.

No way he was wearing that. 

"Hey, those are some nice choices, but instead of getting new clothes, is it possible to just get these cleaned?"

The maid blinked, clearly taken aback by his request. "Cleaned, you say? I can certainly replace your attire with garments more fitting of the Human Tribe."

Ben shook his head, a hint of impatience crossing his face. "Nah, I like my normal clothes. Can't you just clean 'em?"

Elena's expression turned puzzled. "Clean... them?"

"Yeah, like remove the dirt and stuff," Ben clarified, "It's personal you know"

Elena hesitated before nodding politely. "Of course, sir. I shall attend to it immediately."

As she turned to leave, Ben let out a heavy sigh. "Sometimes, you just can't catch a break."

He laid down on his mattress, he glanced down at his wrist. The familiar green glow of the Omnitrix caught his eye, and he couldn't help but wonder if things had changed. It had just been rebooted before, it's never done something like that. He raised his wrist and spoke to the device, 

"Hey, Omnitrix, diagnostics."

The watch beeped for a moment, its soft glow illuminating Ben's face. 

"All systems are operating within optimal parameters." The watch responded

"Yeah, but, you know, sometimes things change without you knowing," Ben replied, his fingers tapping the holographic buttons absentmindedly.

"Would you like to perform a deep core analysis of the Omnitrix?" the device asked, its voice calm and measured. "The procedure will take approximately one full day."

Ben's eyebrows shot up. "A whole day? Seriously? Can I still use it"

The Omnitrix's response was unwavering. "Omnitrix functions are still functional, however, transformations will only last 10 minutes, this will ensure your safety and the Omnitrix's functionality, which is required for a thorough assessment."

Ben let out a sigh, realizing that the Omnitrix had his best interests at heart. "Fine, fine. If it's for the best, then go ahead."

The holographic display changed, showing a progress bar as the deep core analysis began.

"Guess I've got time to kill," he muttered."I need to get home..."


"This garden is huge",  Ben thought as Elena took him outside. 

Magic Meets Alien (My Wife is a Demon Queen x Ben 10)Where stories live. Discover now