Will it Hurt?

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"Why, you're Harri Potter!", said an familiar voice from the back of the room.

"Well, yeah, but, how do you know who I am?", she replied warily.

"I was and old friend of your parents, but I was exiled to the muggle world for being a werewolf. I don't suppose you remember me, it's Uncle Moony!!!!", said the disembodied voice. A spark echoed in her mind, Unca Mooey. HE was the only one who even offered any love by helping her when she needed it, or, on a rare occasion, giving her the one and only blanket she ever got. It had been so long, even her ultra fast photographic memory had to work a little to remember, and it would need a little push. said push being the werewolf in front of her.

"Uncle Moony, I do remember you!!! I didn't know that you would be working here in the splicing center or I would have come earlier regardless of if i had enough money of not, just to visit you! Why couldn't you contact me? Why didn't you take me away from the Dursley's? I thought you cared about me!", she confusedly asked, almost disgusted of what she might unearth about her 'favorite Uncle Moony'.

"I'm so sorry Harri! I would have taken you and Harold the minute Dumbledore dropped you and him on that blasted doorstep!!!! I'm so sorry, but he used his power of the Supreme Mugwump of the Wizenmagot to make sure no one could take you without being sentenced to the Veil of Death, and I'm sorry to say that means me too." he whispered the last part regretfully, and she could tell he truly wasn't lying and was trying to make her understand with every fiber of his being. She could see it, she could see it in those tired, worn amber eyes that had seen too much in too little time. The eyes of an old, battle worn man.

"I believe you", she said,"but I came here for a splicing, and a splicing I shall get!"

"Aye, Aye cap'in!", he said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh just get on with it already!". You can guess who said that.

When they entered the splicing room, she was amazed. It was floor to ceiling filled with jars that had labels like cat hair, dog blood, and chicken gizzard. There had to be almost every animal you can think of in a jar. Then, at the very end, there was a tube that you would use for chemo therapy, but it had a hole looking thing where she guessed you would put the jar fro your animal.

"OK, this is how it works. You go into the tube. We put your jar of animal DNA in the chute and inplant what you want from the DNA, for example, you want reflexes from a cat. When you come out from the tube you are a new you! Simple enough, right?", Remus explained.

Sure, simple.

"Will it hurt, and can I have more than one animal's DNA? Also, do you have magical creatures?", she asked. 

"If you put more than one creature than it will hurt enough to be authorized to give you pain killers because the DNA needs time to not only become compatible and bonded with you, but also your other animal DNA. And yes, we do have magical creatures. Now, take your pick and you'll be on your way to an experience of a life time, nothing you have ever done before will be like this, and for only 50 pounds plus tax!", he said exuberantly.

"Was the end really necessary?"


Harriet Potter and the Commercial that changed her Life.Where stories live. Discover now