Don't Burn the Bacon

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Harriet moaned in agony, after her last beating from Uncle Vernon seeing a speck of dust on " dear poor Harold's'" video game console, he had blown up. Now, she was no doctor, but she was pretty sure she had at least two broken ribs, her arm broken in 5 places, and she'd be limping for about a month while her leg healed. She didn't even want to go to the wet spot on the back of her small head.


"Yes Aunt Petunia", she said meekly as she tried to surpress the scream that bubbled in her throat from moving her not-yet-healed joints. As her aunt opened the small latch on the door to the cupboard under the stairs, she shoved her horse-like face so close to Harri's she could hear her breathing.

"Now listen here girl, and listen well, because I won't say it again-"

" Don't burn the bacon, yes mam, I know.", she finished.

"Good," she started, " And I shant be having none of your cheek while your at it, understand me girl?"

" Yes, mam", she finished. And that was that at No. Four Privet Drive, if you were one Harriet Lily Nicole Potter, that is.

a/n: omg, im so sorry its so short!!! i bet it isn't even longer than my a/n last chapter, but i do have a reason, i dont have my note book with my notes with me, its at my school. also, i really didnt want to continue cuz i couldn't help but put that last sentence and it seems so much like a closing sentence to something. i promise tho that ill post something longer monday, cross my heart!! plz remember to r&r!!!

kay bye.

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