Charity Events

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You knew you dress a bit differently, with darker clothes, and fishnets as gloves or as tights and spiders as a necklace, you are a goth, but others called you a freak.

And dating was tough until you meet your boyfriend Jonathan Crane, he accept with how you dress and what your interest was, even if it is collecting fake skulls and decorating them.

You had never felt so much happiness, and it was an annual charity event to help the fundings for Arkham Asylum and Jonathan Crane as you to be there for him, which you eagerly accepted and picked out my outfit for that evening, it was a dress that looked like mortica addams dress but a put on my favourite black rose choker, laces fingerless gloves, fishnet tights and beautiful high heel black shoes.

I went out of me and Jonathan bedroom to show him the outfit and everything "oh my love you look stunning for this evening, is that the dress from the Addams family we watched last week" I eagerly nodded and smile as Jonathan held my hand and spun me around giggling as I was brought into my lovers arms

"so do you really like how I look" I said messy with his tie slightly "absolutely my darling you look as beautiful as the night as you would say" he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before we got into our car and headed for the event,

Jonathan knows how people would treat me but I told him to ignore them as I have did for a very long time, but Jonathan really cares about me so much that he would literally give them his fear toxic and watch them Scream out of fear of whatever phobia they have imaginable, but I luckily I can very much handle the critics and can take care of them.

We arrived at the event and got out of our car and walked inside, now I never expected that their would be near a whole room of people be at this event which there is which started to make me panic a bit, I then felt my hand squeeze softly as Jonathan whispered into my ear

"Don't worry my sparrow I'm here beside you, stay close to me alright" I smiled and began to calm down as I heard him calling me by his favourite nickname for me in private, as we slowly decent to from the staircase grabbing a glass of champagne I'm the process.

Everything was going well until I heard them whispered about me, now normally I'll just brush them off, but they were becoming more and more worse 'what on earth is that weirdo doing here?' ' she is the one that's dating Dr Crane? ' 'huh I wonder what he sees in her to go out with her' they became more and more harder to ignore them but I felt a another squeeze this time on my arm as I looked up and seen a stranger

"why hello you must be Jonathan Crane and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) I'm Bruce Wayne" me and Jonathan shook his hand as Bruce began to speak to Jonathan to which he was annoyed by Bruce Wayne's presence.

I glance around to distract myself and I seen a couple of rich people looking at me like I was some sort of plague and began whispering amongst each other, I then couldn't take it anymore and began to walk to the exit, just then as I was walking off I felt a hand on my wrist,

I turned around and saw Jonathan looking concerned for me and I try avert my eyes away from him and people began to stare at me like I was an circus performer, I looked around and realised what was going on and place his hand on my waist as walked out of there leaving them with there rumours and insults.

Once we were out a took a couple a deep breaths as I felt tears pricking my eyes, just then Jonathan pulled me into a hug and softy patted my hair,

"its alright my darling, everything will be okay" he kiss my head as I began to calm down feeling protected around Jonathan's arms, "come on lets go home, I never want to go to these Charity events ever again" I giggled at his response as we heard a familiar voice calling out to us, Jonathan scoffed as he seen who it was.

"I'm terribly sorry Mr Wayne but me and my partner are going home early, it was quite boring of a party and one I'll probably never go to again and just send the check or whatever you typically do to Arkham Asylum, good night to you" we then got into the car leaving Bruce Wayne lost for words as we drove off.

"You know you were being rude to him?" I spoke up, he then glance over at me with the one eyebrow raised saying "really? Me being rude? To a man that spends all his money on fancy cars and throwing his money on playboy girls to be with him" a smile formed on my face as he focused on the road but can see from the corner of his eye

"You are jealous of Bruce Wayne or are you afraid of him trying to get me to be as his playboy girls" I dramatically said at the end as he rolled his eyes, but I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek "Don't worry my scarecrow I only eyes for you" he began to deeply blush at my words and he try to focused more on the road.

"So want to watch a movie tonight my dear?" He asked as I sat back and think "Honestly let's watch Corpse bride, plus the main character looks like you"

"No I definitely do not look like Victor from Corpse bride" he replied as we made it to our driveway, "I love you Jon" he turned around and lean to kiss me on the cheek "I love you too my sparrow"

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