Chapter 6

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(Cas' POV)
I just ended up getting lost and having to go back to my dorm again. Well, you can't blame me, there were, after all, 3 shapeshifters. I don't know if Dean is back yet from going to Sammy, so I better keep it down.
My legs got tangled in the curtains of our dorm. I didn't know they were that long. Dean's in bed and it's quiet enough. I get in my bed and fall asleep.
My dreams are of murder and monsters. Some green eyes and then blood.
The dream didn't stop until I woke up. God that was horrible, I need water. I roll out of bed and blindly search the table for water. Well there's a flask or an apple. I'm sure Dean won't mind if I just.. *sip*
Ugh, it tastes like its centuries old.
The bed is surprisingly comfortable today. What would happen if I just screamed 'Danger, Danger'? Would Dean wake up and scream 'High Voltage'? Or would he just shout at me for waking him up? Why do I exist? Am I a sim? What if we're dying and being reborn every time into the same person and we are just re living our lives over and over like a script? What if we aren't real? Why are crocs called crocs? What would an elephant look like without a trunk?
And that's what I've been saying to myself for the past hour or so.
I look at the clock.
Only 3 hours 25 minutes and 36 second until I have to wake up...
3 hours, 25 minutes, 19 seconds..
3 hours, 25 minutes, 10 seconds...
3 hours, 24 minutes, 56 seconds..
Shut up.
Go kiss Dean. Will he wake up?
He will and he will smite me.
I subconsciously move towards Dean.
I can't do this.
Yeah you can. You waaaaaaant to.
I don't.
Yeah right.
Shuuuuut upppppp.
Kiss kiss kiss!
No!! I don't want to!
Yeah you do.
I don't though!
Yeah you do, go on.
I don't.
You do.
I do.
Well I lean in and get ready to awaken him. Nah.
Dean leaped out of bed and punched the air screaming, "EXORCIZAMUS TE-- CAS WHAT THE ACTUAL
Cas' POV
I burst out laughing at his reaction. That was amazing.. But wait. Dean sleeps in his boxers. Oh my lord.
Can't breathe.
Hang on.
Give me a minute.
Okay. Ooh floral..
I wasn't staring..
"What time is it?"
"Uhm like 5 in the morning.. "
"I hate you~.." He sounds sleepy..
No shit , Sherlock.
"Goodnight?" But he's already asleep. Well, this is gonna be a long night.
(About 2 or 3 hours later)
I'm already dressed, I've done my homework, made breakfast.. It's 8 and Dean's still asleep.
Don't do it.
I'll do it.
I splashed that water I found yesterday night to drink on his face and backed the hell away, knowing Dean he'll probably stab me..
How the hell is he still asleep?
Is he dead??
I don't think so.. I take good care of my pets, he couldn't have died..
Cas, this isn't a goldfish..
He's my goldfish~
I didn't think it would come to this, but that's all I have left to do.
I pull out my mum's Apple pie recipe.
That should wake him up, and give me something to do..
Today was supposed to be the day we go into the main hall and listen to some boring lecture about safety around school.
The pie is cooking by now and the smell fills the room. I have to open the windows or the cleaner will be very confused.
What the?
He woke up!? It worked!
"Cas, are you making pie??"
"Is it nearly done?"
What a tight and deadly hug..
"I love you so much right now."
*le blush*
"We have that lecture today.."
And that was it, he was back down. On the floor this time, groaning.
I feel.
"Stop laying there and eat the pie, we should try and get there as early as possible! I want a seat."
"Yeah alright. Whatever.. Where's the pie?!"
"On the table."
He sprinted there, even though it's like metre away..
Ahh well it's Dean..

So, minutes later we were at the entrance of the hall because Dean eats pie incredibly fast.
There was this weird door at the front. I think it's a door, I've never seen this thing. Dean was already in and I started to follow him. I walked into that spinning circle thing. Well it's just moving around.. Do I follow it? Where's the exit?
Dean's POV
He's literally just walking around in circles.. Oh my god has he never seen a revolving door before??

Cas' POV
What is this torture machine?!?
"Dean why are you laughing??"
He's literally on the floor.
"Dean help!!!"

A/N: Okay I'm back and I'm changing the way I write ^

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