13. In the Eye of the Believer

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I was already inside of his guard before he moved. He was big and strong, but smart and fast? That was me.

'No fire or heat,' I reminded myself since burning shit was almost always my first and usually final idea. 'And my daggers are probably too small to make a difference.'

Magic energy shot down my arm, bathing my skin in an ethereal glow. I clenched my hand into a tight fist which pulsed with unstable energy. Gritting my teeth, I threw the fist forward.

My punch connected with a loud BOOM! Polyphemus gasped in pain, curling forward and blowing his disgusting breath in my face.

"Rude!" I glared at him, channeling more energy and delivering a viscous uppercut to one of this three chins.

His head flew back and he stumbled, taking a few steps back. I jumped back, making some room and taking a long glance at the energy flowing from my arm.

I had to take a second to weigh my options. I couldn't use fire and didn't want to risk electricity not working and wasting energy. Other than the symbols that had faded from my skin, I had a few runes memorized, but I had to remember that any more than two active spells at once and a former one would fizzle out.

Polyphemus gained his bearings and glared at me with a hateful milky eye.

I drew a sigil that burned a bright blue on my arm and began to jump in place to hype myself up.

"Might wanna be a bit faster if you wanna land a hit," I very helpfully added.

"RAAAR!!" He bellowed in frustration, barreling towards me with hands intent to crush me into demigod paste.

For him, he must've been moving fast, but to me it was if he was moving in slow motion. My Speed rune allowed me to shoot forward and slide under his legs and come out behind him. I pushed myself into a handstand and blasted shockwaves of force from my palms, launching me up.

I slammed magic-charged fists into the top of his head a few times before he had the chance to reach up and grab at me. I scoffed softly, using his head as a springboard and jumping away from his grasp.

Millions of ideas sped through my mind while I was midair, and I'd already picked one out by the time I landed.

My Speed rune fizzled out and I took a deep breath prepare myself. I must've been too focused on starting this plan though, because Polyphemus was right on top of me just as I was about to begin.

He pulled a fist back, throwing an earth-shattering punch at me. My mind didn't react in time, but my body did.

With widened eyes, I leaned back, my knees at a 90 degree angle before my hands slammed into the ground, supporting my weight. I used every ounce of upper body strength I could muster to bring my feet off of the ground. Now in the middle of a back handspring, I realized that my plan could be executed.

Springing myself into the air for a few seconds, I landed on shaky knees and reached down. I tore at healthy green grass before gathering a handful of dirt and tossing it right into Polyphemus's large eye.

He roared, furiously wiping at his rapidly reddening eye. "You will pay for that!" He bellowed.

Taking a deep breath at the close call, I reached deep inside of myself for an ability that I hate to admit that I'd neglected. But hey, if I'm doing this, I may as well pull out all the stops.

Mist, invisible to all eyes but mine, coated the ground of the battlefield. It curled around my feet, causing a cold sensation to tickle my skin. Focusing hard, the Mist began to swirl a bit faster, forming figures of sparkling dark blue haze.

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