Chapter 2 - The Rolling Stones Foresee Saar

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Today's Valhalla siege battles had a quaint theme of 80s rock bands and European shooters.

I had retrieved my trusty sword/necklace Jack for the siege. I had left him there whenever I went to Midgard, I kept getting strange looks whenever we talked in public.

But needless to say, he wasn't too happy.

"Boss!" He practically yelled "What the heck? You left me hanging for over a week!"

"Sorry Jack," I apologize half-heartedly "busy times at the home."

The pendant around my neck hummed in an angry way. "Ever since you and that daughter of Loki started dating, you've been busy."

"What the?— we're not dating!" I sputtered, my face growing warm.

"Your heart says otherwise!" My companion sang.

With a huff, I summoned him to sword form. "Just get ready to kick some butt, alright? I don't want another embarrassing death like last Wednesday."

Jack had an unique choice of playlist for the siege: classic rock. Unless someone paid him in weapon dates for the song request, which has happened before.

Today, floors ten through twenty were on one section of the battlefield. Floors of odd numbers played defense, protecting a large military tree base. The floors of odd numbers in that range played offense, taking control of the base.

For me, it didn't matter whether I played on what side, just as long as I wasn't used as a human shield or test dummy.

My floor traveled through the light forest, careful not to make too much noise and give away our position.

We huddled under some light canopy, staring at the first fleet of defense. The area was riddled with dark bronze circular land mines, guarded a few yards behind them were two massive einherjar. They went with the Cold War look; dark sunglasses, muddy clothes, both with double bladed axes ready to drive into bone.

"So," Mallory spoke up, her two twin daggers armed "how do we get past this?"

"I could easily take those two," Halfborn offered. "but I might need to be a bit stealthy. And those bombs won't help with that." He has been revived and walked out of his room right as I was heading down. He seemed pissed at Saar, vowing that she was on her own if trouble faced her.

"I could change into a fly or something airborne." Alex put forward as well.

"You can, but not the rest of us." TJ countered. "I think our best plan might be Halfborn's, but then it leads to the bombs."

"Bombs are a no-go." I agreed with the soldier, unable to bring any battle strategy.

"Leave that to me" promised the newbie Saar.

She wore what we saw her in just a few minutes ago, just instead she had her bullet cases filled around her utility belt. We're all those capsules and mini boxes stuffed with bullets?

Both her guns were sheathed as she stepped up to bat. She dug her hand into the dirt and leveled her breathing, concentrating on the scene in front of her.

Around us, the temperature dropped, a cold wind billowing our hair. Alex and Mallory shivered a little. Just as Saar released a cold, visible huff into the the air, she flicked her hand.

Pale white ice shot across the ground in a second, consuming and spreading the ground and freezing the land mines. That got the attention of the two guards, who looked at us in surprise. That shock melted to rage as they charged, but it didn't last. The large Beserker on our team gave a ferocious battle cry and charged as well, wielding his axe. But just as he was about to slash the guys with the red bandanas, a knife impaled them in the chest.

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