Chapter 32 - My Patients Prescribe Me An Ego Boost

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There's no drama, there's no surprise. I woke up. And honestly, I like how my day started, or I should say night.

My eyes had eased open to be met with a small bedroom. Warm vanilla walls and buttery lightbulbs on lamps in the corners and on the ceiling. The bed I was rested on was small enough to hold my body but nothing else. White sheets and a black cover neatly nestled on me; not a single wrinkle. The carpet below was a shaggy, fake sheepskin floor that made me want to wiggle my toes in.

Am I in another hotel?

I tried to force myself to my elbows, only to realize that my right arm was strapped to my chest with a cast and sling, the platinum ring Saar gave me poking my ribs. Speaking of, my chest wraps around it; decorated with pink and green designs. A throbbing headache swam around my mind as my head fell against the pillow.

I exhaled with defeat, the releasing breath brushing up against my scratchy and raw throat. Looking to my right, I watched through a darkened sliding glass window with a matching sea bellow.

Another boat, how reassuring.

It was night out, which surprised me. Whenever I wake up, it's always from the blinding sun hitting my eyes. But I wasn't going to complain, this was nice.


My head jerked to the noise to my left, which I regretted as it sent a spike of pain through me again. The roaring buzzing noise next to me was none other than Saar Corbain. She slept soundly on her cot, her sheets a mess from rolling around in them. A tight wrap of bandages around her eyes, hands, and lower stomach. Her top covered with her bra and half a hoodie shred off. Her chest rose and fell with each snore.

I tried to block it out, but it was hard to when there was no one else in the room with you. So instead, I got my pillow and chucked it at her.

"Oh wake up Frenchie!" I ordered as she jolted up from the blow.

"Oi!" She demanded "I was up before you, I had nothing else to do!"

"Well congrats," I said sarcastically "you're snoring did a really good job playing it's part as an alarm clock." I wish I could hide it, but a smile was growing on my own lips.

"Shut up and get over here." She  challenged half-heartedly, unable to hide her own smile.

"You think I'm getting up from this comfy bed to give you a hug?" I challenged back. It was true, I was not the biggest fan of touch, and in this situation, I was not going to invite myself to feel it.

"Tochue," she sighed, then turned serious. "How're you feeling?"

I gnawed on my lip a little to figure that out. "My head hurts, and I think my arm needs to be in the cast a little while longer, but I think I can take all these bandages off."

With a struggle, I sat up, using my free hand to slowly peel away the colorful bandages. "I'm surprised I didn't feel Alex painting my bandages, these are really bright!" I thought aloud.

Saar smiled "Did she now?"

I wanted to roll my eyes, but I knew that would give me another headache, so I just shrugged. "I thought you would comment on that before I noticed."

The playfulness left Saar as she stilled. Her hands gripping the sheets. "I think I lost my sight again Magnus." She said.

"Well of course," I agreed, "you have that wrap around your eyes."

She shook her head, which was carded downward. "No, permanently. I think the fight against Hel used so much of me I officially lost my sight."

I turned my head to her, unable to form a proper sentence. The tingle of cold dread once again flushed through my body as our fight in the Facility came back. The shadow tentacles, my blinding light, Cyrus' rage, the fall. It made sense why Saar was blind and I wasn't healing as quickly. We were exhausted. But how were we alive?

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