Chapter 2

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TW/ Mentions of Abuse


Morgan POV

I was sitting alone at my normal picnic bench that is located outside of the canteen. It was quiet and surprisingly peaceful. Normally, everyone would be outside as the boys played football, and all the girls would sit and admire them. Well, more like admire their abs.

I sat here with my sandwich and apple juice as I scrolled on my phone to see an Instagram notification. I found this very strange as I wouldn't have any notification just due to the fact nobody knows me but there it was. A follow request and somehow there she was not just in my head but this time in black and white on my screen wanting to follow me of all people.

It was like I had manifested her and now here she was. A million questions had entered my mind but one stuck out to me the most. Why? That question was enough to fill my mind for the remainder of the day up to the point I was standing in front of the library door.

I gulped as I entered the library because the "why?" was still playing on my mind. To my surprise she wasn't here yet so I had time to prepare myself but most importantly wipe my head clean from that echoing voice.


Ava-Rose POV

My maths teacher doesn't know what she has just done. Making me late for my tutor time for Morgan. Conner is still very persistent in her being a criminal of some sort.

It made me think a little. I don't think she's a criminal of any sort but there is something about her that intrigues me. For some reason, it's all I've been able to think about all day.

I saw her sitting by herself during lunch and she looked like her. There were no walls or masks it was just her. It looked like she was at peace with herself and the world around her. That version of herself gave me butterflies in my stomach. I hoped to be able to see that version of her more.

I made my way down the hallway with a smile on my face. As I approached the library it was like time slowed down when I saw her through the door window. There she was the version of herself that was unfiltered.

I took a deep breath and entered the library and approached her. She was writing things down in her notebook from a textbook. Had she started before me? How late was I? I looked down and my phone and saw I was only 5 minutes late. She looked up at me and said "Hey what took you so long?"

I smiled at her and said "Stupid maths teacher and their stupid rules they are supposed to be good with numbers but are horrible when it comes down the time management" She laughed at my comment but I could tell this was the filtered version of her. The sparkle she had in her eyes at lunch was no longer present.


Morgan POV

There she was in front of me smiling at me. At that moment time had stood still. This moment was one I never wanted to end. But although time had felt like it stopped it continued and I realised we had to do some work.

She sat down opposite me and opened up her book and that's when I saw the problem. How could I quite possibly concentrate when she's sat right in front of me?

She was helping me with science. The topic which I hated the most I could tell it was her favourite just from how she would talk about it. The more she spoke about space and atoms the bigger her smile seemed to get. She was talking about the world and how exactly she thought the world come to be. To me, the world was sitting in front of me.

Time felt like it had passed by in just a couple of seconds and it was time to leave our place in the library. That's when my stomach sank it was time to go back to the house I much rather stay away from reality had hit me and I realized she didn't know me at all. I felt alone again as she walked into her friend's car and I waved goodbye.

She had asked if I wanted a ride but I declined and told her I only lived down the road. I couldn't tell if she believed me or just didn't want to ask too many questions. Either way I was once again left alone I had opened my phone to put on some music as I walked and I saw on my phone the same Instagram notification as before. I accepted the following request and I followed her back and that's when I saw the most memorizing picture I've ever seen. It captured all the things my walls had fallen to. Her way is to be able to put a smile on someone's face regardless of the day they have had.

I had stopped right in my tracks. Butterflies had made their new home in my stomach. These feelings I felt are feelings I've never felt before. It terrified me I had all these walls built up and when I'm with her it's like they don't exist it's as if I don't need to hide from her.

Reality became present again when I found myself outside the front door I went to reach down for the handle and my hand started shaking I found I couldn't breathe. I tried calming myself like I've had to do multiple times before. This time I couldn't as the front door had swung open and I was met face to face with my drunken father. He never had looked at me with love just disappointment and anger but today the look in his eyes was a look I've never seen before and that look terrified me. He grabbed my wrist and with no hesitation, he pulled me inside and swung the door shut.

I found myself on the floor as I tried to ease my breathing but he towered over me and he looked down straight into my eyes where he said "When will you just leave and never come back" he never gave me time to answer he never does it's just his way to punish me for "not answering" and punish me he did. He kicked my ribs and he knew they could be covered over in the morning and because he knew this he made sure to repeat it over and over until he was tired. I was on the floor for was felt like forever waiting to hear the snoozing coming from the couch and eventually I did.

I looked at my wrist and I saw that it had already bruised I knew tomorrow I was gonna have to wear something to hide it. I struggled to the freezer where I had got out some frozen vegetables and I placed them on my ribs to hopefully help with bruising. I knew tomorrow was going to be a hard day.

I felt the pain now but I've been through this enough times that I know the pain will be worse in the morning. I made my way slowly upstairs and into my room where I had nothing left in me to get changed. So I lay on my bed with my frozen vegetables and stared at the ceiling where I was wondering why I had to go through this.

I knew I could go to the police station and report him but that was unwanted attention and stories I wish to never have to bring up to any other person. I never see myself as more than a burden to all and my dad helped that way of thinking. I can't remember the last time I heard someone wish me a happy birthday. My dad had never once given me a present or thrown me a surprise birthday party. In fact, it was like he was more angry on that day and I couldn't tell if it was because he knew it was my birthday or just down to my luck.

Maybe it's what I deserve.


Editors note

Thank you for all the support I've received each read, comment and vote means a lot to me and inspires me to continue!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any feedback feel free to comment and tell me how you felt I read all comments :) <3

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