Chapter 8

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Morgan's POV

Oh, how I was dreading opening the front door to this house.

My walk was filled with wondering if I could escape the outcome I knew I would receive as soon as this door opened.

I wanted to turn around and go back to Ava's hold her in my embrace to never let go.

I knew I had to go home. My father hates me and as much as he hates me being in the house if I was gone for too long he would report it to the police.

I never truly understood his reasoning for that. Either way, it became this big thing and I was seen as a bad-behaved teen girl going through 'the motions.'

Let's say the punishment after all that was way worse than all my previous ones combined.

So I know it was dumb for me to go back now but I knew if not tonight then I would have to suffer the consequences tomorrow.

So my hand rested on the door handle but before I opened the door I decided to pull out my phone and open mine and Ava's chat.

MORGAN: I'm going to be okay don't worry about me. I'll tell you all my feelings soon. Love M x

With that, my phone went back into my pocket and I tear rolled down my face.

That dreaded door swung open and I made my way inside hoping that maybe just maybe my father had fallen to sleep.

Glass sharted and angry stomps came my way.

He was not asleep

"Where have to been!?" he screamed in my face.

"Just out with some friends," I told him playing with the string of my hoodie.

"You! Friends? Haha, so you do have humour in you after all. But really where have you been?" This time he grabbed my arm and flung me against the wall.

"I'm telling the truth" I shout back at him. He grabs a glass shard from off the floor and holds it near to my stomach.

"Now you going tell me now or you going to tell me while you bleed" The tip of the glass rested on my skin. Any slight push would cause it to enter.

I gulped I knew he didn't care for my answer and that either way that glass would sure enough enter my torso.

"Bleed it is" With that, he pushed the glass right into my torso. While glass entered me a scream excited me. "Shut the fuck up" he covered my mouth with his hand. "Now what I want you to do is exit this house and if anyone asks what happened you tell them you got jumped by 3 men and they took all that they could find before stabbing you. You got it?"

I nodded my head in agreement before he let go of me and went to sit back on the couch and resume watching TV "Why did your mom die Morgan?"

He always did this I figured it was his way of feeling that what he had just done was justified. "Because of me"

"Good now get out of my sight" Blood poured from my stomach as tears kept rolling down my cheek.

I could barely walk but my willpower for not wanting to stay under this roof drove me to open the door and make my way onto my dimly lit street at god knows what time.

No one was around to bear witness to me. So slowly I took one step after another with my hands covering the open wound.

It was then that I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. He did believe I did not know because there would be no way he would have let me keep my phone if he knew I had friends.

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