Chaper 3

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Morgan POV

That sleep was probably my worst yet. It was filled with pain and tears. None of which anyone was around to see. I never let myself cry in front of others not because I believe I'm above people but because I couldn't deal with all the pity that would follow.

I looked down at my ribs to see a sight that showed me just how much I wasn't worth anything. Getting out of bed was a struggle that I almost gave up but I remembered that if I didn't leave the house I would get round 2 when he would wake. So I made my way into the bathroom where I took a shower. The heat of the shower somewhat helped but it still hurt with every breath I would take.

I had finally made it out of the shower it was time for the hardest part of this whole morning. Getting changed. I had found a hoodie that would cover all my bruising it was just the hard part of putting the hoodie on. After many screams in pain, I put on the hoodie I was out of breath and I had forgotten all about pants so I looked around my room and found some sweatpants. They were easier to put on than the hoodie.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror all I was able to see were bruises and scars left behind by my father and me. I knew there wasn't anything that I could do and that it just was my life.

Regardless of how I felt there was one thing that was able to make me forget about all that had taken place last night. It was knowing I would get to see Ava today. She might not know what happens in my life but she had become someone that's able to make me feel better regardless of the mood I'm in.

I knew that if she knew what my life was really like she would want nothing to do with me and that all she would see me as was a girl who gets abused by her father and nothing else. With that thought, I had ruined my mood.

My journey downstairs was not one for the weak. It was filled with wines and grunts in pain. Hopefully quite enough for my father not to wake up. Once I had reached the bottom I had to take a break as just that journey downstairs had me exhausted.

I knew that this day was gonna be a slow and painful one. Not just physical pain but emotional too. It took every bone in my body not to break down and cry. Crying wasn't something I always did it was a relationship of ups and downs sometimes crying helped whereas sometimes it reminded me that my way of a normal life was not normal for most people.

It felt like I was alone on an Island far from anyone else. It's not their fault after all. I never have told anyone and I never intend to either.

I could only look at my father sleeping on the couch and resent him for all he had put me through.

What he put Mom through.

My mom was this ray of sunshine. She never failed to brighten everyone's mood. She was the most normal I've ever had in my life. I remember how the living room was filled with so much memorabilia of the family we were.

Pictures of family holidays in different countries. Each year she would make sure we visited a different country. It was an event each year I looked forward to.

Christmas was always special to her. I remember the time when I was about 5 when I woke up during the early hours of Christmas morning wanting a drink. I was coming down the stairs when I had seen my mom putting presents under the Christmas tree. When she realised I had caught her in the act the fear she had on her face was extremely funny.

She started apologising and saying it wasn't what it looked like. I just started laughing in that moment she looked at me confused and asked why I was laughing. I told her "Mom I know Santa isn't real after all we don't have a chimney so unless he comes through the front door which is locked then I know he isn't real"

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