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"Mo-tak" a girl rushed in the shop with injuries everywhere, making the counters Stand up in shock by the random appearance,
mo-tak stepped closer to the girl who fainted in front of him, he soon  recognising the young girl "jinni!" He shouted after he finally realised who the girl was "mrs chu help her please" mo-tak carried the girl down stairs placing her in a bed.

The young girl open her eyes slowly,she looked around the room that seems like a training area she finally stood up from the bed and noticed a stairs, she made her way up stairs and made eye contact with a older man that had a suit, when the guy was about to speak the counters had come back from their meeting, "mo-tak?" The girl spoke quietly but enough for the counters to hear and turn to her way.

The older guy stood up from his seat and made his way towards her,pulling her to a hug making the others shock by his action "we know what happened" he spoke with his deep voice but he was sincere about it, the girl stayed silence she didn't want to seem weak in front of the other counters, mo-tak let go of the girl and stepped back, and a older lady appeared in front of her "how about some noodles you must be hungry" she spoke with a weak smile, the young girl nodded and replied "I could eat" she spoke with a small smile the older lady pulled a chair for the girl to sit "thank you" she spoke and the older lady nodded.

A young girl with long hair spoke "I'm sorry for your lost" she looked at the girl with a sad expression, the girl send her a small smile and replied "thank you", soon enough the older lady came back with a bowl of noodles and a glass of water, and sat down on the table.

The girl picked up her chopsticks to eat until the older lady spoke "I knew ms so" the young girl placed down her chopsticks and looked at the older lady "ms so told me about you mrs chu" the girl spoke quietly a tear escaping her eye "you guys promised to meet again" the girl spoke with voice cracks the older lady hugged the girl who was trying to hold her tears in, "I'm so sorry" mr chu spoke hugging the girl tightly and finally letting go, "eat eat" mr chu spoke wiping her tears away, the girl picked up her chopsticks and started eating slowly.

"I don't want to rush you but we need to know what happened" mo-tak spoke with a sincere smile the girl finished eating and she was drink her water when she slowly put it down "our tertiary opened and three spirts were spotted but somehow they had some sort of power but they weren't very strong at first but when they got the counters powers they were different stronger" the girl stopped speaking "papa saved me" a tear escaped her eyes "this tall figure had taken a counters life he was strong like nothing I seen before, it was end of me until papa came and told me to run, and warn other counters he knew that the counters had died but he choose me over himself" she spoke ashamed tightening her fists in anger, she was angry at her self disappointed she could at least do something but she ran.

"We will find them" a young boy spoke looking at the girl like he was promising her that he would find them, the girl wiped her tears and spoke "I need to see mr ling,to inform him pardon me" she placed her hand on her heart and went to the spirt world.

"Mr ling!" The girl spoke seeing the older man sitting down "I'm sorry I should of stayed with the rest" he looked down standing in front of her "you did the right thing, I will meet with the other spirts to discuss situation get some rest jinni" the older man send her a smile placing his hand on her shoulder "be safe".

The counters:
"A spirt with counters powers this will be a tough battle" mo-tak spoke looking at jinni, the young boy looked at mo-tak and finally spoke
"mo-tak care to explain who she is?" The counters looked at mo-tak wondering the same thing, the older guy spoke "she was a counter in Korea before mr chu" he started speaking "before me?" Mr chu spoke "she looks so young, she looks around so mun age" she looked at somun and back at the young girl "she become a counter at a young age" he stopped talking remember how he saw the young girl as his daughter, he always thought it was a bad idea for a 11 year old become a counter at such a age but it was hard to find people to become counters.

"If she was a counter in Korea how come she was in china" a young girl spoke curious about the Chinese counter "she was studying and helping aboard the yung agreed since back then there was more evil spirts" mo-tak spoke "she's was one of the youngest counters back then" when he was about to speak again the girl came back.

"Mr ling will be speaking to the other spirts about the situation" she spoke with a serious voice "do you have an image of the three spirts" a young boy spoke, the girl looked at him "I do not I'm sorry" she spoke a hand was placed in her shoulder "it's fine don't stress yourself out" mo-tak spoke suddenly a girl stood up "a spirt has set foot on the territory" she spoke making her way outside, the counters stood up until mo-tak spoke "stay here and rest jinni" he spoke in a serious tone however jinni did not listen and opened the car door going with the other counters.

As the reached the abandoned building mrs chu has spotted a builder who's bones was broken but evil spirt placed it back breaking it even more, "found him" the young counter spoke through the head piece,

As the reached the abandoned building mrs chu has spotted a builder who's bones was broken but evil spirt placed it back breaking it even more, "found him" the young counter spoke through the head piece,

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Next chapter- introduction

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