Retire? Family?

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"Yah jinni wait up!" Somun shouted running towards her.

Jinni turned around looking at somun who was running behind her, she raised her eyebrown In confusion "why are you following me?" She spoke and he walked besides her, "grandpa told me to take you home" he spoke but his hands on his pocket since it's cold outside.

Jinni hummed in response and kept walking until he spoke "we will catch them if that's what your thinking" he smiled towards the girl; she avoided eye contact "I don't want to lose anyone else" she spoke quietly.

He grabbed her wrist making her stop on her tracks "we won't lose anyone I promise you" the girl took his hand out of her wrist.

"That's what they said before the sacrifice themselves, for others" she looked towards the empty streets not daring to look at him, and kept walking...

She opened the door of the noodle shop spotting them still talking around the table and suddenly they went quite, she raised her eyebrown in confusion but didn't dare to talk and made her way out to her new room which was a small room downstairs in the gym, at least she had somewhere to sleep.

Waking up the building shaking, jinni sprinted up stairs spotting a familiar guy near the window having an intense eye contact..

The man stopped glaring as he got a nose bleed and looked around spotting the familiar girl.. "jinni" he spoke standing up,walking towards the girl.. she finally recognised him.. she tightened her fist holding her anger in until somun spoke "I think you were leaving" he grabbed the guys wrist and he smirked..

"Let's have a reunion jinni" he smirked walking out the door. Before jinni could follow him somun blocked the door "what are you doing this is our only chance" jinni spoke angerily.

"There are children here,think about them" he spoke calmly analysing the girl face, the girl sighed and went back downstairs.

"Jinni meeting" mo-tak spoke from upstairs, the others were already placing a hand in their hearts getting ready, she sighed and followed their lead.

"Mr ling!"jinni ran towards him and he pulled her into a huge "I know how your feeling" he stroked her hair and sighed.

"Let's start" a grey curled hair lady spoke, making me nod and sit next to Hana, "jinni I think you should retire" she spoke and mr ling eyes widen "we never discussed this!?" He banged his hand on the table making the other startle.

"You said it yourself, she's has haterest and revenge in her mind!" Kim Gi-ran spoke defending wi-gen, "YAH KIM GIRAN!" motak shouted standing up "you can't possibly say that when she's been working her ass of for years!" He spoke loudly making mrs chu nod her head.

"She could have had a normal childhood but she choice to defend innocent life's at a young age!" Mrs chu spoke getting emotional and sending the girl a smile.

Wi-gen sighed and spoke "I spoke to the head and they agreed",making jinni widen her eyes and she finally spoke with a smile on her face clearly fake "if your family got killed infront of you what would you feel" she chuckled sarcastically and they stayed silence.

"You can take the powers back but your not stopping me from taking revenge"  she stared straight into wi-gen eyes, and spoke again "mr ling find someone else" she moved her gaze to mr ling.

"Jinni..I can't do that you will fall back into coma" he spoke worried not wanting to do it, she gave him a smile and spoke "I will fight to wake up" she spoke quietly enough for them to hear.

"She's not doing it" other voice spoke.. hana.. "if she goes,we will waste time training other counter while the evil spirits will gain more power" she spoke and the counters nodded their heads.

"She can't fight, with those strong emotions" wi-gen spoke in defence "it's risky and she can become an evil spirt!" Kim Gi-ran argued back and somun spoke "she has the same emotions I had when I found out about my parents, and I'm still a counter" he protested, "that's different, you earned those powers and learned how to control them!" Kim Gi-ran still protested.

"She earned them too she was 11 god damn when she became a counter, don't say she didn't earn it when she was a counter for 8  years!" Mo-tak shouted loudly angrily.

"she wasted her whole childhood defending, protecting innocent people, and she lost her family twice she won't lose it the third time!" He was angry with them for even suggesting the idea and making her retire.

"I learned how to control my emotions, she will too" somun spoke breaking the silence, wi-gen sighed and spoke "if she doesn't control her emotions in 2 weeks she will have to retire" with that she walked away.

"Jinni" mr ling came closer to her and she broke down in tears "I wouldn't leave your side no matter what" he pulled her into hug, when she was finally calmed down she went back.

To see Mrs chu with a sad expression walking towards her "we will get them together" she spoke patting the girls back as she tried to hold in her tears

Mrs chu pulled away and mo-tak pulled her into a hug, her tears were threatening to escape, she pulled away and spoke "thank you" she spoke "thank you for defending me" her voice cracked as her tears escaped.

Mrs chu pulled the girl into an other hug and spoke "we are family after all" she patted the girls back.. other family.. she smiled weakly... no matter what this time she will protect them i wont fail twice.. no matter the cost.. she will protect her new family.

She can't lose three times, even if she sacrifices herself she won't lose them no matter what...

She can't lose three times, even if she sacrifices herself she won't lose them no matter what

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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