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"Found him" the young counter spoke through the head piece, mo-tak and jinni quickly made his way to the young counter, when we arrived there Hana got thrown in top of a car and the evil spirt was about to attack her mo-tak throw a car wheel preventing the spirt to attack Hana.

"Mo-Tak he killed ms so" Hana spoke getting jinni attention when she heard ms so name, "jinni help hana I will deal with him" mo-tak spoke with a serious tone, she nodded and went towards hana checking if she has any serious injuries, jinni wasn't a healer so she couldn't tell if she has any broken bones but she could check if she has scars or is bleeding.

She looked towards mo-tak and noticed the evil spirt was fast and was dodging all his punches, however both of them punched each other collapsing fists, with mo-tak strength, the evil spirts bones definitely broke, however as we made our way to mo-tank the spirit was healing his broken arm.

The evil spirt laughed and spoke "I know you" he pointed at me, I stayed silence only sending a glare towards him "you were in that old woman memory" he chuckled and spoke again "can't wait to see what powers you will give me" he smirked, and kicked a car window towards mo-tak injuring his shoulder, Hana charged toward the spirt only to get pushed toward a broken bus and the spirt breaking her leg bone, the guy throw
hana, mo-tak jumped towards Hana catching her but falling on top of a car window.

"And Then there was one left" the sprit spoke glaring at jinni, she couldn't hold her laugh any longer "you really think you can take me on?" She chuckled and suddenly stopped turning towards him and did a hand signal "bring it on", the spirt came charging toward her, she ran toward him kicking him right on the face, making him land on the floor, soon enough the guy stood up and throw a wheel towards mo-tak who was making his was to Jinni making him land ontop of a car again.

The evil spirt become angry "YAH OLD MAN" and he throw car wheel towards mo-tak again making Jinni ran towards the flying wheel and taking the hit landing in top of mo-tak, soon enough the evil spirt took a car part and was about to hit us, until he suddenly stopped moving and the territory appeared, the young boy from the shop appeared and throw the evil spirt without touching him.

'His that strong...' Jinni thought to her self while staring at the guy who just broke the evil spirts arm, the young boy kicked him making the evil spirt bang his back on a broke truck, ms chu quickly arrived helping heal hana with her broke leg the evil spirt throw a car wheel towards the boy however he dodged it which hit mo-tak.

Mo-tak was about to fall off the bridge but Jinni held his arm while he was hanging out the bridge "YOUR SO HEAVY" Jinni shouted and her arm was slipping out his wrist, mo-tak was screaming in fear, his hand slipped making him fall however the young man came and used his powers to stop mo-tak from falling, when jinni turned around and noticed the evil spirt running away, she was about run after him when she noticed two people in top of a building she couldn't see their faces since they were too far.

She signed and felt a hand on her shoulder just to see the young man again "we will get them soon I promise" he send her a small smile, she nodded her head and went back to her new teammates.

Later on
The memories of my Ex member flooded my brain as I hit the punching bag, I wanted to catch them even if it took away my life, they didn't deserve to die like that if I did something they would probably be alive right now I was a coward, my final punch made the punching bag ripped, I feel on my knees watching as everything inside the punching bag fall on the floor.

"I was a coward" I mumbled to myself as tears were about to escape my eyes, a hand was placed on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts I turned around to meet eyes with the young boy from earlier I still didn't know his name since we never spoke before he kneeled down next to me and chuckled "this is the second time this bag broke" he chuckled, I looked back at the bag and spoke "sorry I wasn't focusing" not daring to stare at the young boy and he spoke again "it's fine, I forgot to introduce myself I'm somun" he stared at the girl, the girl turned her head around and spoke "hong jinni" she gave him a small smile.

"Should we go eat with the others?" The young boy spoke flashing her a smile, making her stare at him she quickly snapped out of it "go ahead, I need fresh air" she spoke standing up and grabbing the towel as she looked at the young boy going up the stairs,
When the boy was finally out of her sight she went upstairs, and headed to the front done until a deep voice spoke "jinni where are you going" she turned around to meet mo-tak eyes "I need to clear my mind" she spoke, her eyes looked around the shop, noticing ms chu putting bowls of noodles on the table "are you not going to eat" he spoke.

"I'm not hungry thank you" she opened the front door and walked away from the shop, when mo-tak was about to follow her ms chu placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him "she needs time".

Counters pov
"She was all smile and bubbly before" mo-tak spoke while grabbing his chopsticks,  "give her time" ms chu spoke; hana put down her chopsticks and spoke "can you blame her the people she considered her family died in front of her eyes" she knew exactly how jinni felt since she experienced the same thing, somun smacked the table and finally spoke "we will catch them no matter what" and the counters nodded in agreement.

"Let's hope that soon, I can't handle seeing her like that" mo-tak spoke in worried he truly is worried for the girl he considers her as his own daughter, he was guilty that he lost contact with her after so many years and to see the girl he rememberers that used to smile and think positive change into a different person was honestly hard to see.

"I will get going now thanks ms chu for the food" somun spoke tucking his chair in and putting his coat on, making his way to the door.

Jinni pov
Walking through the empty streets as the cold air hit my face a old couple was walking when suddenly the old woman fall and the old man dropped his groceries not caring if they all fall and rolled down the street, the only thing he cared about was the older lady, jinni made her way towards the oldest people and picked up the groceries that were rolling on the street she put everything inside the bag and handed to the older man, the older man was trying to support the woman and the groceries at the same time.

"I can help if u want sir" the girl gave the older man a smile, the man shock his head "it's fine I can do it" he tried but failed "I insist" Jinni spoke and the man sighed and nodded his head, jinni bend down on her knees to give the older woman a piggyback, she stood up caring the woman on her back and faced the man "lead the way I will follow sir" she spoke with a smile on her face, the older man nodded and started walking "sorry for troubling you" he spoke while walking, jinni nodded her head and spoke "it's no trouble at all, I'm glad to help" .

They arrived at a house with a green gate, when the older man was about to speak to wake up the older woman a male voice spoke "jinni?" She turned around to meet a familiar pair of eyes "somun you know the young lady?" The older man spoke and he nodded "she's a friend" he walked next to his grandpa, the older lady slowly started waking up and jinni bend down in her knees to let the older woman get out of her back.

"what are you doing here?"Somun spoke and his grandpa answer instead of jinni "she saw I was struggling and offered to help" somun nodded " I will get going now" the girl bowed down to the older man and walked away, "are you going to let a girl walk alone?" somun grandpa spoke.

"Yah jinni wait up!" Somun shouted running towards her.

"Yah jinni wait up!" Somun shouted running towards her

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