Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning at 7:00 a.m. And they open the curtains and saw it was very nice out unlike the night before where it was raining and I looked at myself in the vanity and I looked tired because of the dream I had the night before, I got up and put on a new dress and my corset and headed downstairs and when I got into the kitchen and I saw Thomas and he looks up at me and said " be careful today Rosalie you may never know if something may happen and be careful who you talk to" and I I told him I would be fine and nothing will happen to me during the daytime and at a very young age I learned to protect myself by carrying pepper spray or mace, I wanted to carry a pocket knife around with me but mother said it was not ladylike, after talking to Thomas I walk out of the house and head to my job and on my way to the law firm I see people talking and I get a little closer there was two women and an officer talking, the first woman was in her early fifties and the other woman was in her mid-20s and the officer was just listening to the first woman and the first woman was saying " my daughter was murdered last night and you coppersed absolutely nothing" and the officer responded with " Miss we have no clue on who did the murder and nobody seen your daughter get killed there were no Witnesses and plus the weapons weren't found near her body" and the woman started crying and the other woman hugged her and said "Mama calm down please the officers just doing his job and maybe we will get updates on the case" and the woman stops crying for a little bit and then she went silent and then I kept walking, " was that the mother of the woman who was killed the night before" I thought to myself as I walked close to the law firm. I stepped inside the building and headed into Mr. Utterson's office, I was walking down the hallway and I overheard a commotion coming from his office and just i was about to open his door it suddenly opened,I noticed that Utterson had opened the door, "Ah Rosalie it's great to see you come in" he said with an inviting smile, i looked him and smiled and walked in his office And his office smell like lavender and I always enjoyed the smell of lavender ever since I was little it's like a comforting smell for me, I looked at Gabriel a little bit he had hair gel in his orange hair and he looked like he has been up again the night before, " sorry for the commotion" he said well closing the door and looking at me, " it's quite all right sir and besides I didn't hear anything" I said acting like I knew nothing, he sat down behind his desk and he took off his reading glasses, I noticed that his desk was a little bit messy he had files and some books and documents that he needed to sign, after a few minutes I finally knew what to ask him, " sir did you hear about what happened last evening" i asked  and he looked at me and his face went pale when i asked the question, "My dear last night was a tradgedy and a young girl was killed and the police have no suspects" he said with a sad look, i felt a little sad and then we went silent for a few seconds and he said " Rosalie I got someone that needs a document to be delivered can you bring them the document", i looked at him and nodded and he gave me the doccuments and he opened the door and stepped out of the office and headed onto the sidewalk, i called a cab over and got in and told the man to the address, 15 mins passed and he stopped infront of an estate and got out of the cab, the estate was big and it was 3 storys, i got onto the porch and rang the bell and the door opened and a man opened the door,

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