Chapter - 6

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Guys , i know you guys have read this chapter before! It's republished ik ik but there's a major change in last few lines! Please do read it otherwise next upcoming chapter won't make any sense, lol


Kinn Pov

I Saw Kim's gun on table kept beside, slowly sitting on the bed. I tried to reach it with my hands but it was too far

I groan in frustration, Because walking is still a challenge to me. I tried more hard to reach that gun and suddenly the door
opened and i froze

"too eager to kill Yourself, Anakinn",

I Turned around slowly to see Pa standing at the door with his emotionless face. I Gulped down the lump formed in my throat. I can't be weak rn, gather yourself together kinn

" Pa, I-

"save your excuses kinn. They might work with Porsche but not with me",

They don't even work with Porsche. Who will tell this old Man, Nvm

"I can't believe your brother still hate you. Well this is a pity but that still don't give you right to run away from your responsibiliies kinn. You are my heir, behave like one. don't let your emotions overpower you",

" i don't want someone weak as my heir, your every action is making me doubt me decision of considering you as my heir kinn",

Korn walk towards kinn, giving him his fake smile as he put his hand on kinn shoulder and For the first time kinn could admit that he was Gun's brother

"I'm sorry pa-

" your sorry won't make anything alright kinn. You are already a disappointment to me , now it's time to correct your mistakes",

Kinn didn't said anything back, his eyes were fixed on floor. The word "disappointment" just made him rethink his every decision. All his father wanted him was to become a better heir and he failed him, he failed his brothers, his lover and still he has audacity to sit and rest on bed.

It's just a gun shot , not like he didn't suffered from worst

"First attend the meeting which starts in next 10 minutes with Yakuza.
i rescheduled it because of your childish act. Also, be ready for your surgery-

" Leave the room Mr. korn.i dont think kinn is in good state to hear your shit right now", a tanned skin person entered the room

"instead of him, i will go to meeting", kim said, his eyes determined


Kim Pov

Blood spatters from my abdomen as this masked man pulls out his knife. My back slowly slides against the wall behind me. And slowly but surely, all I can see is just fuzzy and fuzzier as the pain intensifies.

I try to reach for my phone with my trembling hand, but my body refuses to move. Instead of words for help, my mouth involuntarily vomits blood. Ah! The light behind that man becomes wider and wider as time goes by, is this the end for me?

I wanted to get to kinn. I wanted to hug him, to beg for his forgiveness for what I'd done, for the other bodies on the floor, but I was so far away.

There i saw kinn and Porsche coming to me but i think it's too late. This was a trap set for killing kinn, and i know very well it was pa plan.

But there was a satisfaction inside me . Instead of kinn, it's me who's dying. I didn't failed in protecting him.

I stand up with only strength in my body,
My vission started getting blur, My ears also started getting hurt by loud noises


" i d... dont h.. hate y... you kinn, n.. neither d.. does t... tank.. tankhun"

"I k.. know I'm sorr.. y please kim ", kinn choked on his tears, he started coughing harshly. Grabbing his chest, i saw him vomiting blood but there was something in his palm. It was a black seed covered in blood and mucus

Kinn got a new life and maybe it costed my breathe but it was worth it

Author Pov

Kinn hug kim who's eyes were barely open. He was hardly breathing,"y-you came", kim said as he tried to stand up

" CALL 911,CANT YOU LISTEN ", kinn shouted  to Porsche as he press on the wound on kim shoulder.

" i w-want everything to stop ", kim said weakly smiling

" N-no, y-you are gonna be alright. y-you are gonna be okay. you are gonna be okay. n-no m-my b-baby.p-please",kinn said begging kim to stay awake

"tsk, such a lovely scene, I'm blessed. Look at the heartless mafia crying for a worthless brother", Yakuza said chuckling as he could taste the blood coming out from his mouth , he grab the gun lying on his right side and Pointed to shoot at Kinn

" you all are so pathetic ", Yakuza said before he pressed the gun

" This will be the end of Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun ", he chuckled darkly

Porsche look for his gun, but he realized it wasn't there.

kim who was still breathing heavily saw this as he immediately push kinn aside
and shoot yakuza But in parallel he got shot in his chest

The bullets hit his already half dead body. The body fell to the ground, the warmth of life stolen by the cold embrace of death, blood rushing out of his open wounds and tainting the once pristine ground with the humor of one taken too soon.

His chest laid still, no flickers of life or hia usual cold aura remaining in his bosom, a surefire sign that he was dead.

"n-no no no WAKE UP KIM. YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME YET, W-wake up. kimhan this isn't funny", kinn cried as he shake kim body, everything just felt like a nightmare

" tsk, look at the heir. Now we will be the one ruling this world", Yakuza said holding his wounded chest as he pointed gun at Porsche

"NO DON'T YOU DARE TO SHOOT", kinn screamed as he tried to stop Yakuza but with his injured body barely supporting him

*bang* *bang* *bang*

Kinn heart skipped a beat. He look at Porsche body lying near Kim's dead body


Kinn pick up the gun from Kim's hand and shooted yakuza straight in his head

He look at Porsche who's groaning in pain, rushing to him. He hold the wounded body in his arms

" you are okay, My Love. You are safe", kinn said before kissing him

" A single bullet can't kill me", Porsche laughed in pain

" i know, It will take a lot to kill you and your stubborn body ",

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