Assignment 52

39 2 10

👀 Guess who's back? Back again? Guess who's back?👀

Nope, it's the annoying one! 🤣

Well, the gang had a little longer break than we thought, things going on, life to live. The motto of the club is Life comes first. Matter of fact, sleep came first last night so I am very late in posting.

My humble apologies.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTES: We have several members out on hiatus and a couple of members who are back playing catchup. We don't want anyone overburdened so this week those of you who are making up past readings will be paired with KitCat and you're reading requirement is ONE CHAPTER. No need to stack you up with more.

Our other returning reader will be paired with me doing two chapters and YES!!! WANDERLUST 3, 🚢BABY! 🧡Tanden, I gotcha, bro! 💃*Does a happy dance! 🕺

*Returns to professionalism. Any questions or concerns, please contact your friendly moderators here or on Discord.

We'll be back on a more normal schedule next month, starting with BOTM.


@PVChan01 - Would like partners to comment about how engaging and enjoyable they find the story and characters. Please keep an eye out for repetitiveness or awkward sentences. Look out for any big grammar mistakes like misspelled words. I'm looking for all varieties of edits (kindly ones) but also a focus on POV and look out for 'toward' as it should be 'towards' (I've used both!)

@KitCatK8 - Requests any and all feedback, no need to pull punches. Any suggestions on wording, grammar, and spelling are always welcome. Does the story hold your interest? Why or why not? What are your thoughts/theories/feelings about the characters and their relationships/interactions with one another? If something evokes an emotional response (laughter, cringing, tears, fear), I want to know!! Opinions are welcome on what would make the story better.

@RogueWriter55 - Would like to know if the story is interesting, clear, and concise. PLEASE, point out any typos or parts that sound like an IKEA manual written in Swedish. (Translation: it's not clear) I'll take any advice I can get.

@juliecotewriter - Would love any kind of feedback/editing with an eye toward feedback on the worldbuilding. Mainly things in the genre of, does it make sense and feel realistic, or are there places that should be explained more, or things that seem to contradict. For Wanderlust: looking at feedback on how the relationship is progressing and the character growth of the main characters.


📕 Remember to comment by your grouping, so we know you're done!

📗Minimum is two chapters (except for our catcher uppers), four inline comments, and a few lines at the end of the second chapter on what you thought, impressions, etc.

juliecotewriter (Waterborne, Wanderlust 3) - RogueWriter55 (WIP -an oldie I rewrote, will DM you the link. If you'd prefer to just do one this week like everyone else, let me know, 'k?)

KitCatK8 (Fallen's First) - PVChan01 (The Wild Card's Queen)

KitCatK8 (Fallen's First) - DelaneyBrenna (WIP)

Any questions or comments... just hit us up!

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