Chapter 4: Love is an Open Door

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All the guests sat in several pews, watching as Elias stood at the front of the room, while Anna stood to his right.

Elias bowed his head, as a bishop placed a golden crown on his head. As he straightened back up, the bishop held out a purple pillow which had the real scepter and orb on it.

Elias reached out to take them, when the bishop cleared his throat.

"Your Majesty, the gloves." He whispered.

Elias looked down at his hands, and slowly removed the blue gloves from his hands and set them down on the pillow. He shakily picked up the two pieces and turned to face the crowd.

As the bishop was reciting a chant, Elias looked down at his hands and noticed a little bit of frost beginning to appear on the scepter and the orb.

His eyes frantically scanned the crowd to see if anyone would notice, and he made eye contact with (Y/n) who was in the audience. She could see that Elias was getting anxious and she motioned for him to take a deep breath.

He followed her instructions, and breathed in deeply, and released it. His shoulders relaxed a little more, and he felt slightly more at ease.

As soon as the bishop was done speaking, Elias immediately put the scepter and the orb back on the pillow and put his gloves back on.

He turned back towards the crowd, who clapped and cheered for their new King. Elias found (Y/n) again, and she gave him two thumbs up, making him smile.


Later that evening was the celebration in the ballroom. A band was playing lively music, and people were twirling and spinning along the dance floor.

When the dance ended, Kai stood at the front of the room right beside the throne on an elevated platform.

"King Elias of Arendelle." He announced.

Elias gracefully walked onto the platform and faces the crowd, who bowed in respect to his presence.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle."

Anna came running up to the front of the crowd, and stood at the bottom of the platform. Kai grabbed her shoulders and moved her up next to her bother as she tried to protest.

"Really? Up here...cause I don't think I'm supposed to...oh, okay."

The crowd cheered and clapped for their King and Princess, as Anna awkwardly glanced at Elias several times, not really knowing what to say.

Luckily, Elias spoke first.


Anna looked up at him. "'Hi' me? Oh, uh, hi."

"You look wonderful." He complimented.

"Thank you. You look wonderful-ler. I mean, not 'fuller.' You don't look fuller. But more wonderful." Anna stammered.

Elias chuckled lightly. "Thank you. So...this is what a party looks like."

"It's warmer than I thought." Anna observed.

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