Chapter 15: The End

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Hans was thrown into the cell of a ship, and landed harshly on the ground, making a bucket fall on his head.

"We will return this scoundrel back to his country. We will see what his twelve big brothers think of his behavior." One of the other rulers told Kai.

Kai nodded to him gratefully. "Arendelle thanks you, my lord."

"This is unacceptable!" A voice complained.

Kai turned towards the docks and saw the Duke and his thugs being lead back to their shop by some guards.

"I am a victim of fear. I have been traumatized!" He suddenly grabbed his neck. "Ah! My neck hurts! Is there a doctor I could see?...huh? Well I demand to see the King!"

"Ah, I have a message from the King and his lady." Kai said, as he descended onto the dock. He held up a scroll and began reading from it. "'Arendelle will henceforth and forever no longer do business of any sort with Weaseltown.'"

"Weselton! It's Weselton!" The Duke whined, as he and his thugs were dragged onto their boat.


Anna held a blinded Kristoff's hand and was pulling him along the bridge towards the town.

"Come on, come on, come on!" She insisted, skipping along the road.

She wasn't paying great attention and ended up pulling Kristoff into a pole.

"Pole!" He exclaimed.

"Whoops, sorry."

Anna pulled him by the water, and removed his blind fold. "Ta-da!"

A beautiful blue sled sat before him, and Sven strutted up to it, and placed his hoof on the front.

"I owe you a sled."

Kristoff looked completely and utterly surprised. "Are you serious?"

"Yes!" Anna squealed. "And it's the latest model."

"I-I can't accept this." Kristoff stammered humbly.

Anna pointed a finger at him. "You have to. No returns. No exchanges. King's orders. He's named you the Official Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer."

Kristoff gave her a weird look. "What? That's not a thing."

Anna waved her hand. "Oh, sure it is. And it even has a cup holder. Do you like it?" She asked nervously.

Kristoff scolded. "Like it? I love it!" He exclaimed, picking Anna up by the waist and twirling her around. "I could kiss you!"

Both of their eyes widened, and Kristoff set Anna back down. "I could. I mean, I'd like to. I'd...May I? We me. I mean, may we?" He stuttered.

Anna smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "We may."

Kristoff smiled, and he pulled her into a kiss, which Anna happily reciprocated.


"Summer!" Olaf cheered as he walked around the town.

He passed by a little flower stand and saw purple flowers sitting in a bucket.

"Hello!" He greeted, and deeply inhaled, smelling them.

He sighed happily, but then began to jerk and shake a little. Olaf reared his head back and sneezed loudly, blowing his nose off.

The carrot landed in Sven's mouth, and he sucked it in. Olaf gasped and whimpered, hanging his head until Sven then ran over and placed his nose back on his face, making Olaf hug him.


Elias stood in the castle courtyard, surrounded by people. (Y/n) stood right next to him, holding his hand.

"Are you ready?" Elias asked the crowd, who cheered and clapped in response.

Elias tapped his foot on the ground, covering it in ice. He then froze the two fountains on either side of him, and shot magic into the air, making it snow.

The people gasped excitedly and began skating around the courtyard, laughing and talking excitedly.

Anna glided over to them, and Elias grabbed her arms to steady her. "I like the open gates." Anna commented.

"We are never closing them again." Elias promised.

He waved his hand, and created ice skates underneath Anna's feet.

"Oh, Elias, they're beautiful, thank you." Anna gasped.

Elias turned to (Y/n). "Are you ready to skate?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, although, I am a little nervous. We haven't done this in forever."

Elias smiled and used his magic to create skates on her feet. "No better time to learn again." He suggested, holding out his hand.

(Y/n) took it, and she began gliding around the ice, Elias keeping her steady.

"Look out, reindeer coming through!" Kristoff announced pushing Sven around on the ice.

Olaf joined them as well, helping keep Anna steady. "Glide, and pivot. Glide and pivot."

(Y/n) laughed as Elias continued to pull her around the rink. Elias noticed how happy she was and smiled himself. He loved seeing her happy.

(Y/n) looked back at him, and noticed how he was looking at her. "What?"

Elias shook his head, and pulled her closer to him. "Nothing. I just love you, that's all."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you too, Elias."

The two leaned in, sharing a beautiful kiss, Elias placing one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist.

They stood there, in the middle of the rink not caring about anyone else around them. Elias finally had everything he's ever wanted. And he was never going to Let it Go again.



Marshmallow stumbled his way through Elias's palace, spikes still protruding from his body. He looked down and noticed something shiny on the floor.

It was Elias' crown. He picked it up and placed it in his head, and almost instantly, his spikes disappeared and he smiled happily.


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