Frozen Fever

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"Okay, okay. Here we go..." Elias muttered to himself.

He waved his hand and created a small ice statue of a smiling Anna on top of a beautiful four-layer cake covered in blue frosting and sunflowers.

Elias eyed the statue he made, and decided it wasn't the best. "So lonely." He waved his hand and changed it to him and Anna standing side by side at his coronation. "Stiff." He changed it again to when he was hugging a frozen Anna and gasped. "I can't do that!" He quickly changed it to him and Anna ice skating together. "Come on, Elias. This is for Anna, you can do this." He told himself.

"Elias, calm down." A voice told him.

Elias looked up and saw (Y/n) coming over to him. She kissed his cheek and looped her arm with his. "She's going to love it. Don't put too much pressure on yourself." She reassured him.

Elias smiled down at her. "Thanks snowflake."

The two leaned forward and shared a kiss.

"(Y/n)'s right! It looks great!" Someone yelled.

They both turned and saw Kristoff dipping a mop into several buckets of paint that were hanging from Sven's antlers, and swabbing large pieces of paper.

"I just want everything to be perfect." Elias said, glancing back at the cake.

"Speaking of perfect, check this out!" Kristoff announced.

He had hung up several colorful letters that spelled 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA'

Elias looked up at the display with wide eyes and chuckled nervously as he walked over to Kristoff who was climbing down the ladder.

"Kristoff, are you sure I can leave you charge here?" He asked.

Kristoff nodded. "Absolutely."

"Cause I don't want anything to happen to this courtyard." Elias added as he adjusted a vase of flowers sitting in the middle of one of the tables.

"What could happen?"

Elias sniffled a bit, looked up and gasped loudly. "Olaf, what are you doing?"

Olaf was standing on a chair, facing the cake. Upon hearing Elias' voice, he turned towards him. There was blue frosting on his mouth, and a small hole in the bottom layer in Anna's cake.

"I'm not eating cake." He denied guiltily.

Elias sighed. "Olaf..."

"But it's an ice cream cake!" Olaf emphasized.

"And it's for Anna." Elias gently reminded him.

"And it's for Anna." Olaf repeated sadly.

Elias turned away and Olaf spat out the cake that was in his mouth. He went to put it back, but (Y/n) stopped him.

"No, no, no! can finish that bite Olaf, but no more, okay?"

Olaf nodded and put the cake back in his mouth. "Okay!"

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