Chapter 7: Wolf Attack

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Kristoff and Sven had taken to sheltering inside a stable right outside Oaken's shop. Kristoff had gotten the snow off of himself, and a was laying in a big pile of hay, strumming on his lute.

🎵Kristoff: "Reindeers are better than people. Sven, don't you think that's true?"🎵

🎵Sven: "Yeah, people will beat you, and curse you and cheat you. Every one of them's bad except you."🎵

🎵Kristoff: "Awe, thanks buddy. But people smell better than reindeers. Sven, don't you think I'm right?"🎵

🎵Sven: "That's once again true, for all except you."🎵

🎵Kristoff: "You got me. Let's call it a night."🎵

🎵Sven: "Goodnight."🎵

🎵Kristoff: "Don't let the frost bite...bite..."🎵

The two laid back and went to settle in for the night, and the doors opened revealing (Y/n) and Anna, now dressed in appropriate clothing for the winter.

"Nice duet." (Y/n) commented.

Kristoff and Sven jumped at the intrusion, but relaxed when they saw it was just them.

"Oh, it's just you two. What do you want?" Kristoff sighed.

"We want you to take us up the North Mountain." Anna requested.

Kristoff laid back in the hay, and put his hat over his face. "I don't take people places."

"Let us rephrase that." (Y/n) tossed a bag onto Kristoff's lap and he grunted in surprise. "Take us up the North Mountain. Please."

Kristoff opened the bag and saw the pickaxe and rope in it. He looked up at them with a raised brow.

"Look, we know how to stop this winter." Anna told him.

Kristoff groaned, and laid back down, putting his hat back over his face. "We leave at dawn. And you forgot the carrots for Sven."

Another bag was tossed on him, this one landing on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm sorry. I didn't..."Anna apologized, before clearing her throat. "We leave now. Right now."

Anna held her head high as she exited the shed, (Y/n) following after her. But as soon as she was out of sight, Anna leaned against the doors and sighed heavily.

(Y/n) patted her shoulder, letting her know she did a great job, while Kristoff and Sven stared at the doorway where the girls just were, sharing a carrot.


The three of them sat in Kristoff's sleigh, with Sven pulling it along the snow. Kristoff was yelling, encouraging Sven to go faster, as the girls sat on either side of him holding onto the rails.

"Hang on. We like to go fast." Kristoff warned them.

Anna kicked her feet up on the front of the sleigh and leaned back. "I like fast."

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